The Oldest Human Grave In The World Complicates The Story Of Human Evolution

The Oldest Human Grave Has Been Discovered In Africa. This Cemetery Can Completely Change The Previous Beliefs Of Paleontologists About The Way Of Human Evolution And Draw A Different Path.

Paleontologists were exploring South Africa when they suddenly came across the oldest human grave in the world. Inside this grave were the remains of one of the extinct human species. This type of human is called Nalandi, and previously, scientists thought that they could not perform complex behaviors due to the small size of their brains.

The oldest human grave belongs to Naldi man.

The oldest human grave

One of the world’s most famous paleontologists, Lee Berger, led the research team. They managed to find one of the distant relatives of modern man in a network of caves in Johannesburg at a depth of 30 meters. Naldi man lived in the Stone Age and climbed the tree. Naldi man was 1.5 meters tall, and his brain was no bigger than an orange. Paleontologists consider them a bridge between bipedal primitives and more advanced pseudo-humans.

In 2015, when the 57-year-old paleontologist announced that Naldi man had abilities beyond the dimensions of his brain, he faced an attack from his colleagues. They accused him of not having a scientific approach and making decisions too quickly.

At that time, it was believed that everything was a function of brain size. Before this record, the oldest human grave belonged to Homo sapiens, or wise humans, and was related 100,000 years ago. However, the newly discovered African tomb belonged to at least 200,000 years ago.

For the first time in 2013, the bones of the Naldi human species were found in the Rising Star Caves complex.

Later in 2018, paleontologists began a more extensive exploration in this area, eventually leading to the current discovery. Examination of the pits showed they had been deliberately dug and then filled in to cover the bodies. Experts have managed to find five bodies so far.

New mathematical findings challenge the previous beliefs of scientists regarding human evolution. They hypothesized that large brain size was associated with complex and meaningful activities and that other human species could not understand such things as inmate burial.

The remains found in the oldest human grave indicate bent fingers, which means that the hands were suitable for holding tools, and it was possible to walk with the legs.

This case shows that the path of human evolution was not straight and previous beliefs should be revised.

The world’s oldest grave is evidence of Naldi’s understanding of complex emotional and cognitive behaviors. Interestingly, several geometric shapes similar to hashtags can be seen on the deliberately smoothed surface of the cave columns. This case shows that not only the wise man is not unique in having symbolic behaviors, but maybe he was not their creator either.

Berger’s new findings will certainly disturb some scientists, But this time, there are more substantial reasons to prove his opinions. Even Agustin Fuentes, professor of anthropology at Princeton University in America, goes beyond this and believes that in addition to meaningful behaviors such as burial, maybe even art has a more dynamic and inhuman history.

However, some paleontologists disagree with Berger’s ideas about the oldest grave in the world. According to these people, wise people may have created the signs on the pillars later. Other possible explanations that do not include the option of deliberate burial should also be considered.

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