The Best Digital Currencies To Invest In 2020

Which digital currencies will we invest in in 2020? This is a question that does not have the same answer, and according to the basic rule of investing, everyone must do the necessary research themselves and reach a final decision.

However, after a few days of researching different projects, in this article I am going to introduce 10 digital currencies that I think can be hoped for in 2020.

I have tried to examine as many different digital currencies with different rankings in the market as possible so that you can become more familiar with lesser known projects with high growth potential. Definitely successful projects like Chinlink, BAT, IAS and…. They could have been included in this article, but due to writing limitations and to some extent personal taste, there is no mention of them in this article. For example, since Atrium and IAS are two serious competitors to each other, and because, in my opinion, Atrium is the winner of this competition, IAS has no place in this list. However, you can examine the competitors of each project yourself and invest in your desired project.

Disclaimer: It is emphasized that this article is not an investment proposal in any way and all its content is the personal opinion of the author only. So do not rely solely on the content of this article in your decisions.

1. Bitcoin (BTC)

The best digital currencies to invest in 2020

The king of digital currencies, with more than 60% of the total market, in addition to being the first in the market, is also the first in this list, and the rest of the digital currencies to occupy this rank, at least at this point. They have nothing to say.

In addition to being the first, largest, and source of innovation, Bitcoin has proven itself well over the past ten years. The network has not experienced any major security hacks or breaches and has become one of the most secure computer networks in the world over the years. Observing the behavior of the market, it is well known that the price of many Altcoins (post-Bitcoin digital currencies) goes up and down with Bitcoin. Even most bitcoins (bitcoin lovers) believe that you should not saveBitcoin He invested in another digital currency.

Bitcoin is also the third bitcoin this year (2020) HawingExperiences himself; An event embedded in the code to control inflation, and once every four years the block bonus, or more precisely, halves the production of new bitcoins by miners. This event can drastically increase the value of bitcoin by drastically reducing supply and increasing scarcity.

History Bitcoin priceIt clearly shows that most of the time investors have not only not lost money from long-term holdings of bitcoins, but have made profits of several hundred and even several thousand percent. Therefore, adding bitcoin to the portfolio as the first option is the most logical thing to do.

2. Ether (ETH)

Queen of digital currencies, Atrium, Has lost some of the enthusiasm that surrounded it in 2016 and 2017, but is still considered the largest and most reliable project available for decentralized applications.

Ether from the peak PriceSelf ($ 1,400), which was reached in 2018, is a long way off, and the current price is about 90% lower than the highest price. Although this price reduction may seem disappointing, it could indicate a very high growth rate. Atrium’s current competitors, especially Ias and perhaps Theron, have not been as popular as they should have been in the last two years, so Atrium could return to its good old days, given its clear track record and popularity among users and large corporations such as Microsoft.

Most likely in the summer of 2020, phase zero Atrium 2.0(ETH 2.0) is an operation that is one of the largest updates in the history of this network. This update includes moving toProof of stockAccording to it, instead of buying mining hardware, people should buy ether, allocate it to the network and receive a reward for confirming the transactions. We will also see an improvement in comparability (transaction speed and commission).

According to the above description, Ether will be the second best digital currencies for investment in 2020.

3. Ripple (XRP)

Adding XRP to your portfolio alongside assets like bitcoin makes sense and could Portfolio diversification Help, because RippleIt is different from many digital currencies; While Bitcoin is the killer of banking, Ripple works mostly with banks.

Ripple dates back to 2004, four years before Bitcoin was introduced, but the company’s core business of building financial products based on distributed general ledgers began in 2011. Ripple introduced its tokens as XRP in January 2013. The XRP was offered to exchanges in 2013 at a price of $ 0.005 per unit, and in January 2018 reached its highest price in history, $ 3.8, which represents a price increase of more than 70,000%. After reaching its peak, the Ripple price lost more than 94% of its value during a long-term free fall. However, Ripple has been very stable and planned since its inception, and has signed numerous partnership agreements with banks and large financial companies, including MoneyGram.

Ripple is known for its sudden price spikes. Although this digital currency is highly correlated with Bitcoin, this correlation is much lower than other flagship digital currencies. According to website data «CryptowatchXRP correlation with bitcoin is about 59% in a one-year period, while ether and bitcoin cache are about 77% correlated with bitcoin each. This means that the price of XRP goes up and down much less in line with bitcoin than ether and bitcoin cache.

Although many experts believe that Ripple is a centralized network and should not be considered as a decentralized digital currency, history XRP price, Indicates that this asset is not a bad option to add to the portfolio. If you like Ripple structure but don’t like its philosophy,استلار A better option for you.

4. Theus (XTZ)

Annual growth of 120%, rapid development and team and managerial stability, has led to Thesis (Tezos) is one of the first options for digital currency investors.

Thesis has established itself as the first “self-reforming” platform among digital currencies. This network is just like Atrium Smart contracts Supports and allows the creation of decentralized applications, except that it uses a stock proof consensus algorithm. Participants in the Tzos blockchain, or shareholders, can vote on changes they wish to reach a collective agreement on the network. At the time of writing, Tzos is the largest stock-based network.

Expectations about Thezos were high from the start. The project raised more than $ 230 million in 2017 in its tokens pre-sale program, which at the time was one of the largest ICOs in the field’s history. But after the launch of the network, internal disputes between its founders prevented the project from being upgraded for a long time, causing its price to plummet. But after resolving the dispute, it has been almost two years since Tzus stabilized and the plans in its roadmap are being implemented one after the other.

Given the above, Tzus could be a low-risk investment in the high-risk digital currency market.

5. Monroe (XMR)

In a world where privacy is at stake, Monroe Currently, the largest digital currency is the Privacy Coin, and it has long been firmly in the top ranks of the digital currency market.

Monroe was launched in 2014 using the Bitcoin code to provide a solution to transaction privacy. Unlike Bitcoin and many digital currencies that have a transparent blockchain, Monroe transactions can be highly anonymous. It is not possible to view the address and transaction records in the Monroe blockchain, making it very difficult to track and identify the sender and recipient of the transaction.

In November 2019, Monroe successfully updated its major update to increase network decentralization. RandomXHas implemented that makes cost-effective mining possible only with a CPU. Until now, Monroe was extracted with a graphics card. It should be noted that this digital currency is one of the most popular options among miners and is supported by a passionate community. Monroe is also one of the few digital currencies that regularly updates and removes ISICs to prevent ASICs from entering the mining industry.

If you are interested in privacy-driven digital currencies, Monroe could be your first choice for investing.

6. Algorand (ALGO)

One of the long-awaited projects of the digital currency community is Algorand, which was finally launched in late 2019. Algrand describes itself as “China’s first block to prove pure stock without forks.”

The founder of this project is Silvio Micali, a famous computer and cryptography scientist. He has won numerous awards in the field of computers and cryptography and is the creator of algorithmsProof of zero knowledge Is in many digital currencies including زی‌کشit has been used. Algrand wants to be a global platform for building a “borderless economy.”

Algrand’s goals in solving China Blockchain problems of scalability, usability, and hosting of smart contracts are nothing new, and most small and large projects pursue the same goal, but having a strong team, rapid technical development, and large partners like USV To put this project on our list. Recently, after large blockchains such as Atrium, IAS and Bitcoin Cash, Teter has been released on the Algrand blockchain.

Despite ranking more than 40 in the digital currency market at the time of writing, there is a lot of room for growth for Algrand.

7. Bainance Coin (BNB)

In the last two years, the domestic digital currency market of exchange offices has been very hot and there is no token in this regard. Binance coin Does not reach.

Anyone with the least familiarity with digital currencies, Bainance, The largest exchange currently recognizing digital currencies, and its native token, Binance Quinn, has performed astonishingly over the past two years, growing by several hundred percent. Many exchanges, including Hobby, Oaks, Bitfinx, and Post-Bainance, have each launched their own digital currency, but Bainance Quinn is by far the leader.

Initially, the use of BinanceQueen was only to reduce Binance exchange fees, so that if trading with this token, the transaction commission for the user would be reduced by 50%. But now, more than a year after the launch of the Bainance China blockchain, the token can be used on the network as a fuel for smart contracts. Bainance continues to be unique in the field of digital currencies, and more recently withBuy Kevin Market Cap site And announce your plan for Setting up an extraction pool, Showed off its power to rivals.

Although BNB seems to be growing and has little potential to reach the top of the market, if you are optimistic about the future of Bainance Exchange and its advancement in digital currencies, Bainance Coin could be a good option for you.

8. If (REP)

Prediction Markets have great potential to play a role in the modern life of the future, and Augur China is now the best blockchain-based forecasting market by far from competitors.

The Ager platform is built on the Atrium China blockchain platform and allows anyone to read about the outcome of an event, such as the outcome of a football game, the outcome of a presidential election, or even the future of a digital currency, the future of gold, or any Another thing is to create a predictive market. One thing to keep in mind is that if it is not a forecast market in itself, it is a platform that allows users of digital currencies to build forecast markets; Something like betting sites except that with this platform, betting can be made on any topic and by anyone. Also, by taking advantage of China’s smart contracts and blockchain technology, the possibility of fraud in this system is eliminated.

Individuals can use REP tokens to predict the outcome of future events that, if true, will be profitable. Despite the predictive market, collective micro-power can be used to make decisions. In 2017, Ager held one of the most successful ICOs in history and has been steadily growing since then; However, it has not yet been as accepted as it should be. Atrium creator Vitalik Butrin is a fan of Agar.

After studying forecasting markets, if you think these markets are promising, you can look at agar as an investment option.

9. Engine Queen (ENJ)

Gamers, or video game lovers, make up a large portion of the digital currency community due to their relative familiarity with technology and youth, and Enjin is currently the largest blockchain project in the field of gaming.

The purpose of the engine platform is to convert game items into tokens, enable items to be traded between gamers, and generally decentralize online gaming. The platform’s digital currency is called Engine Queen (ENJ) and is currently an Atrium-based token (ERC-20); So it can be stored in Atrium wallets.

The engine platform company, which has been operating in the gaming industry since 2009, is now the most promising gaming-related project in the Chinese blockchain industry, after competitors such as GameCredits and WAX. In 2019, the Singaporean company behind the engine announced a cooperation agreement with Samsung, which at the time caused a leapEngine price Quinn شد.

If you are hoping to integrate the Chinese blockchain and the video game industry, the engine can be a good investment option.

10. Stack Block (STX)

Munib Ali, a Pakistani-American computer scientist and entrepreneur, has been working on his stunning idea for more than six years: Decentralized Internet; One password for all accounts.

Blockstack wants to create a decentralized Internet where people can create a single account to meet all their needs through decentralized applications. Block Stack seeks to create real privacy across the Internet; Somewhere users themselves are the original owner of their information and assets.

The project was able to raise more than $ 80 million in 2019 through the pre-sale of its tokens and investment companies, and is now well supported by digital currency media.

The STX block seems to have the potential to reach higher positions in the digital currency table.

Large projects under development

2020 is the year of big Chinese blockbuster projects, and dozens of huge projects are set to be launched this year. Here are six projects that many investors are counting on.

1. Gram

Telegram digital currencyThe same gram, after attracting a significant amount of $ 1.7 billion, was supposed to be offered to exchange offices in October 2019 (November 1998), which has not happened so far due to the dispute between the US Stock Exchange Commission and Telegram, and its legal process is still ongoing. has it. Telegram digital currency is the internal currency of the Chinese blockchain network TON, which is almost completed and, according to the developers, has extraordinary capabilities.

۲. File Coin

FileQueen is another major project under development that is scheduled to be launched in the summer of 2020. In 2017, the digital currency won more than $ 250 million, making it the largest ICO in history, which was later taken over by IAS and Telegram. The Chinese blockchain file is for providing decentralized cloud storage.

3. Dfinity

Definiti, which has introduced itself as an “Internet computer”, is scheduled to be launched by the end of 2020, after a long hiatus. This project is in fact a platform for decentralized applications and is a kind of competitor to Atrium.

4. Polkadot

Polkadat is one of the big Chinese blockchain projects that we plan to wait for in the summer of 2020. The platform is a multi-chain blockchain-based network that seeks to solve the problem of scalability of current chains.

5. Avalanche

Prominent computer scientist Emin Gün Sirer has been working on a comprehensive platform on which he says anything can be built for a long time, and given the features that have been mentioned, many people are waiting to launch it. . The Olench is said to be available by the end of 2020.

6. Solana

At the time of writing, Solana Tokens, a project that has established itself as the most scalable blockchain in China, is being offered at Bainance Exchange, and its core network is almost complete.

what is your opinion? For 2020, which other digital currencies can be counted that are not mentioned in this article?

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