Technical SEO checklist

Technical SEO is a familiar term for people looking to improve their website ranking using digital marketing tools. This type of SEO has many positive effects if implemented correctly. It can turn your site into the first link in Google within a few days. On the other hand, if it is not implemented correctly, the access of search engines to your site will be cut off. Now we can understand how important learning this category is for promoting a page on the Internet.

Operations such as increasing site speed are considered technical SEO issues. Also, the sitemap is important for crawling robots in this type of SEO. Usually, the sum of these operations is called a checklist. If you are looking for the main concept of this type of SEO, you should first familiarize yourself with its checklist. In this article, all the items related to the technical SEO checklist of your service are provided.

What is technical SEO, and how important is it?

Technical SEO is a subject that every site needs to present itself to the audience. In other words, besides ordering content, people should also pay attention to the technical aspects of their website. Technical SEO is an operation that optimizes the site for search engine robots.

In fact, by doing this operation, robots can better rank the different pages of your site. As a result, after some time, your site will find its place among the top links of Google. People get other benefits with technical SEO training. For example, the better your site’s ranking, the more visitors will increase.

As a result, buying and selling your products will also increase. On the other hand, by using technical SEO, you can get ahead of your competitors. Cyberspace has become an important part of every person’s life. By learning technical SEO, you can gain an important position among your competitors in the future. Also, in terms of cost, upgrading the site and attracting customers through the Internet is much more economical than the old methods.

Important technical parts of SEO

Before learning the comprehensive technical SEO guide, it is better to examine its important parts briefly. This work lets you know the necessary measures to optimize the site. In the following, you can see the different technical parts of SEO.

A comprehensive guide to technical SEO checklist

The first step to learning the technical steps of SEO is to familiarize yourself with its checklist. The things we have mentioned for you in the following each have a special role in promoting your site on Google. As a result, try to implement all the items in the correct way possible.

Responsiveness of a site

This feature makes the site page react to the user’s screen as a device. In simpler words, people can easily view your site with their mobile phones if you have this ability. These days, most cyberspace users search with their mobile phones. So it can be said that this feature is very important for your site to be seen.

Having a special address for the site

If users continue to enter the site by searching for your site address with different prefixes, Google robots will become sensitive to your site after a while. This issue is one of the cases of lack of security for your site. To avoid problems of lack of access in the future, choose only one specific address for your site. Ensure your website address does not contain very long words or meaningless letters.

Existence of sitemap

Sitemap is called a file in XML format. This file provides a map of all the site pages for the robots. As a result, robots can more easily crawl and rank different pages of your site.

Increasing site security

Security is very important for any search engine. One of the ways to increase security is to buy a reliable and reliable host. Getting an SSL security certificate is also very effective. Do not forget to use a strong password for the management system. Also, specify people’s access level to different parts of the site from the very beginning.

Absence of 404 pages or duplicate pages

There may be duplicate content on your site. In this case, Google robots will accuse your site of copying. Over time, these pages will lose their rank. By clicking on some of the links, people will encounter a 404 page. These broken links are among the things that hurt the site’s ranking. Make sure that these pages will not exist on your site.

Increasing site speed

Users do not like waiting long when clicking on a button. In this case, they will quickly leave your site. On the other hand, if the page loading speed is low, robots will not give your site a good score. As a result, try to increase your site’s speed by reducing the size of photos.

Existence of the robot.txt file

The existence of this file is very important in the technical topic of SEO. This file gives the robots the necessary access to crawl the site and check the index. Therefore, the pages of your site will be well-rated and reviewed by robots. Of course, it is possible to change the access level of robots by changing some of the codes in this file. With this, you can limit the browsing of some pages by robots.

The difference between technical SEO and other types of SEO

Optimizing with technical SEO is not the only way to improve the position of a site in search engines. There are various techniques to optimize the ranking of a virtual page internally or externally. In general, it can be said that all these methods increase the number of visitors.

After some time, with the site’s increasing popularity, everyone will recognize your brand as the best brand in the relevant field. To better understand the types of SEO, each one can be briefly explained. Technical site optimization is related to technical SEO. Processes such as increasing page loading speed and ensuring site security are related to this type of SEO.

Also, crawling robots and the absence of 404 pages play an important role in technical SEO. Internal optimization or internal SEO of the site increases with standard content production. Correct keywords and attractive content are among the most important things in this type of SEO. Finally, reports, links to other sites, and social networks are also related to external SEO.

Getting to know the steps of technical SEO

Knowing the comprehensive technical SEO guide will help you improve your site. For this, experts must go through different steps. Of course, there is no particular order in performing these steps. Usually, the important things that must be done for technical SEO of the site are known as checklists. In the following, we have mentioned your different steps in simple language.

Site crawling

To rank your site, Google bots must be able to enter. These robots are also called crawlers. Robots can enter your site when they have permission to do so. The robots.txt file issues the necessary permission to enter. Even by changing some of the codes in this file, the range of crawling robots can be specified.


One of the factors indicating the site’s security is the HTTPS prefix. The existence of this phrase means that the connection between users and your site is safe. A lock icon is usually seen next to this word.

Presence of flat architecture on the site

Undoubtedly, the existence of a flat structure is the most important item in the technical SEO checklist. This structure allows Google bots or even users to access different pages of your site. Also, the flat structure increases the speed of indexing pages.

Content not being indexed.

Some site bugs may not allow Google to index. It is possible that due to the codes in the robot file, permission to index has been taken from Google. In any case, you should check this issue. Usually, tools such as Search Console will inform you about whether it is being indexed or not.

Increase site speed

One thing that attracts users’ attention is the speed of your site. This issue has a great impact on the ranking of your site. This speed may be related to loading the content of a page. Sometimes this speed means the time the user clicks on a button. In general, these speeds can be increased by removing extra characters or reducing the size of photos.

Non-repetition of content

The more pages with duplicate content, the lower your site’s rank. Identical content has no value in terms of search engines. Two things can be done to solve this problem. The first thing is that you can delete similar content. The second case is related to adding a special tag. This tag shows Google which content is original.

Examining broken links

Some links lead the user to a 404 page. This link has a destructive effect on the ranking of the site.

Existence of a mobile version of the site

Today, most people use their mobile phones to search the vast Internet world. As a result, it can be said that search engines also consider mobile versions for ranking sites. So don’t forget to adapt your site to the mobile format as soon as possible.

Using the hreflang tag for multilingual sites

Google usually specifies language or geography in multilingual sites. For this, it needs a type of HTML code called hreflang.

Use of sitemap

Sitemap is known as a road map for robots. This file specifies the number of pages of your site for robots.

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