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Sheet Metal Video Tutorial In Solidworks In Simple Language

What we are looking at in this article is simple sheet metal video tutorials at SolidWorks in plain language. Be sure to read this tutorial, which is visual and step by step, to better learn sheet metal at SolidWorks.

Sheet Metal, There are various design software and SolidWorks is one of the best in this field. Design environments in this software include three main environments called part, assembly and drawing . Each user can design and then assemble the parts in this software, and after assembling, you can watch the animation of the assembled parts and see the feedback of his work. Stay with us…

Complete tutorial video:

People who have worked with SolidWorks software know that the SolidWorks sheet and bending environment is a good environment for designing parts and assemblies that are produced by the sheet-cutting and bending process. Parts design instructions in this environment are based on actual sheet bending and cutting processes.

And sheet thickness and K Factor coefficient are considered in the design. Having all these things together has made SolidWorks sheet metal environment  one of the best and most widely used environments of this software.

If after reading this article, you still have a question about it in SolidWorks, you can ask our experts in the comments section.

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