Photography projects: giant animals

The World Of Digital Art Has Undeniably Overshadowed The Field Of Photography, As An Example Of Which Are The Spectacular Images We Will Continue To Watch.

The artist whose works we will watch today is named “Eben aka” and lives in Australia. This artist has a colorful presence on Instagram with the name ” @ebenism ” and works in digital art.

He says that his works have recently received more attention from the public, so he has decided to share some of his employment with others and to share explanations about the source of his inspiration and ideas with those interested in his works.

The collection of new works of this artist all shares a particular theme, the presence of giant animals in front of tiny humans. He says that being active on Instagram has given him a golden opportunity to share his vision and the creative world of his mind with others.

He further mentions that the beauty of the animal kingdom has always been his source of inspiration, and he always likes to imagine that inside each of us lies the spirit of an animal that protects us, guides us, and sometimes challenges us.

That, too, is in a world that seems to fall increasingly into the abyss of chaos and disorder every day.

This artist continues to add that issues related to wildlife and humans’ role in disrupting the order of nature always hurt his heart and profoundly affect him.

 In his opinion, mother nature is extraordinary, and we humans are tiny creatures in front of her greatness, and we should only play our role. He likes that his works inspire people to reconcile with nature and respect its beautiful creations and the bond between man and nature.

In the following, I invite you to watch some of the works of this beautiful artist.

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