People who never existed; Portraits produced with artificial intelligence

An Artist Used The Latest Version Of Midjourney’s AI Imager To Create Hyperreal Images Of People In The 19th Century.

Mario Cavalli has shared some remarkable images he created with the machine learning AI tool, which he says are taken directly from Mid journey without any Photoshop edits.

Cavalli says:

I think the recently released Mid journey v4 is the best renderer out there right now.

The fictional Victorian images are simply the result of textual prompts that Cavalli constructed and adapted from prompts developed by Overton Lisboa and Ben Rafelson. Prompts are text boxes that describe the image the user is looking for. For these 19th-century images, Cavalli uses terms such as “sharp focus,” “10mm lens,” and “wet collodion photography.”

This whole process involves trial and error. Much depends not only on the content of the prompt but also on the order in which specific instructions appear.

Cavali created two sets of AI images. One of the cowboys in the old west and the other of London in the 1860s. The AI ​​artist says he enjoys the rendering errors and anachronism that appear in the images. Common AI mistakes include six-fingered hands and legless horses.

I’ve received many comments calling my fake images “fake” and others that many people consider to be authentic historical documents.

AI generated portraits of Victorian people


We hope you enjoyed watching this episode of Shutter. Visit Mario Cavalli’s Instagram to see more works. What do you think about these pictures? Can you tell if they are fake?

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