Introduction To Voucher – Observer Of Marvel World Events

Cosmic And Extraterrestrial Characters In The Comic Book World Are Often Known For Their Wonderful Works.

Voucher, Creatures that either have an army of extraterrestrials at their disposal or, with their strange powers and abilities, can destroy or create worlds.

But there are some of these cosmic characters who sit in a corner and watch. Characters are known as vouchers.

Of course, the Earth Voucher is not very committed to its non-interference in the affairs of the Earth, and several times it has directly put itself in the path of events on the planet.

In this article, we will introduce you to someone who has been monitoring the earth since the moon.

Voucher ID

– First appearance: No. 13 Fantastic Four (released in April 1963)
– Publisher: Marvel
– Creators: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
– Real name: Uatu
– Recommended comics for reading :
20 comics Fantastic Four (published in November 1963)
No. 49 to 58 comic Tales of Suspense (published from January to October 1964)
(48) up to 50 comics Fantastic Four (published from March to May 1966)
series The first and second comics of What If (released from February 1977 to October 1984 / released from July 1989 to November 1998)
Original Sin (released from April to September 2014)

Who is the voucher?

Vouchers are a race of Marvel cosmic beings who have made a pact to gather information from them and watch their lives without interfering in the affairs of the worlds under their control. Several vouchers have been introduced in Marvel comics, but the most famous one that has long been responsible for monitoring the Earth is called Otto.

Origin Voucher

Voucher in issue 13 of Fantastic Four comics (click on the image to see the full size)

As mentioned, vouchers have a strong commitment to never interfere in other racial events. The reason for such a pact was that the breed had not chosen this method from the beginning. They are among the first creatures to have access to advanced technologies. Initially, vouchers decided to use their technology and knowledge to help the more backward races in Marvel. But a catastrophe on the planet Prosilicus changed the course of their work.

Otto was a part of the Vouchers who initially shared nuclear knowledge and technology with the planet Prosilicus. Eventually, however, this knowledge and technology caused the planet’s inhabitants to destroy their own core in a war. This is how the famous Voucher Treaty came about.

Otto is sent to monitor the earth and the solar system and has lived in an area called the blue zone of the moon for centuries, watching the events of this system and the planet.

But with the onset of the era of superheroes and superhuman beings on Earth and Otto’s interest in the human race, this voucher violated his covenant. It interfered in events that were to be overseen only by them.

At Vacher’s first appearance in Fantastic Four Comics 13 in 1963, Otto assisted Fantastic Four in their quest with Red Ghost near his abode in the Blue Zone.

This was the first time Otto had broken his promise, but it was not the last.

The voucher’s biggest involvement in the matter is when Galactus came to devour the earth. Without his help, Earth’s heroes would not have been possible to stop the devouring planet, and the earth would become Galactus’ food.

After this event, Otto intervened in almost all the characters and heroes of the earth. At the same time, he was the observer and narrator of the events of parallel worlds called What If…?

Are known. Otto’s interference became so great that his compatriots tried to break his pact and then deported him. Eventually, however, Otto returned as an observer.

Voucher powers and abilities

As a member of the Voucher breed, Otto has similarities with their peers. These abilities include flying, telepathy, using energy, creating illusions, and changing appearance. Otto’s enhanced cosmic senses allow him to monitor countless events simultaneously. Otto is considered immortal, although he can die if he wants to. It has also been shown that he can move himself and others in time.

Vouchers can enhance their physical strength with the help of cosmic energy.

However, they prefer their physical activity to be as minimal as possible. In the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, published in 1985, Otto’s power level was measured by Galactus, Stranger, Odin, and Zeus.

The Voucher race has access to advanced equipment, weapons, and technologies obtained from various space races. Otto has a wide range of such cases at his place of residence in the blue zone of the moon.

You can also listen to and watch parallel field events with the permission of the Timekeepers. In this way, this voucher has a lot of wonderful information about Marvel’s mainland and the parallel worlds of this land.

Voucher outside the world of comics

Outside the world of comics, Otto, like comics, has made brief but frequent appearances. This character has been used in animated series such as Fantastic Four, The Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men, Silver Surfer, The Super Hero Squad Show, Robot Chicken, Avengers Assemble, and Hulk the Agents of SMASH.

In the world of video games, we have also seen brief appearances of Otto in titles such as Spider-Man, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Marvel Heroes, Super Hero Squad Online, and Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth.

The auto narrator of the events of the series What If…?

Disney Plus service as well. The series is part of Marvel’s cinematic world and is voiced by Jeffrey Wright.

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