How To Remove Desktop Watermark On Unsupported Hardware For Windows 11

If You Want To Get Rid Of The Watermark That Is Displayed On The Unsupported Desktop Page Of Your Windows 11; Follow This Article.

After the unveiling of Windows 11, many users wanted to install it on their system but were disappointed to see the required hardware specifications. However, these people managed to install it on their system by bypassing the restrictions without the minimum hardware necessary to run Windows 11.

Everything was going well until Microsoft decided to add a “System requirements not met” watermark to let users know.

Suppose you are one of those people who have managed to install Windows 11 on a device that did not meet the minimum hardware requirements of this operating system. In that case, you may have encountered a surprising watermark on the desktop after installing the latest update.

Although most users know their hardware specifications, Windows 11 build 22000.588 displays the message.

“System requirements not met” on the desktop, reminding the user that their system does not have the minimum hardware requirements for the operating system.

Installing Windows 11 on unsupported devices is not an easy task; Therefore, it is unlikely that the user will quickly forget that his device does not meet the minimum hardware requirements of the latest Microsoft operating system.

If you are not happy with this reminder message on your desktop, you can fortunately easily hide it in the registry. To do this, continue reading this educational article.

Remove the “System requirements not met” watermark from the Windows 11 desktop

Remove "System requirements not met" watermark from Windows 11-1 desktop

Follow these steps to remove the annoying Windows 11 watermark that reminds you that your system does not have the minimum hardware requirements to run the new Windows:

1. Press Win + R on the keyboard and type Regedit in the Run box to open the Windows registry.

2. Scroll down or copy and paste it into the address bar.

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache

3. Double-click SV1 DWORD in the box on the right and change its value from the Value data section from 1 to 0.

If the UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache and SV1 DWORD keys are not in this path, you should create them. Right-click on the Control Panel folder in the left pane and select New> Key.

Name the key UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache.

Then right-click inside the created folder and select New> DWORD value (32-bit). Then change the name of the created DWORD to SV1 and set its value to 0.

4. Restart Windows so that the annoying watermark on the desktop disappears.

Note: SV1 value is used in stable, beta, and preview builds with build number 22000.588. If Dev builds with build number 22557 and above are installed on your device, replace SV1 with SV2 in the steps above.

A quick way to remove Windows 11 watermark from desktop

If you do not want to follow the steps above and are looking for a short form, you can use the following shortcut that does what was said above.

reg add “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache” /v SV2 /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

reg add “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache” /v SV1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

After completing the above steps, Windows 11 will no longer display annoying notifications, and the System requirements not met watermark will disappear from the desktop screen and the settings program.


We hope you find this helpful article. If you have any questions about how to remove the desktop watermark on unsupported hardware for Windows 11

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