How To Increase The Performance Of Your Phone: Useful Tips And Tricks

Here We Are Trying To Provide Tricks To Increase The Performance Of Android Phones. If You Feel That Your Phone Has Been Slow For Some Time, Don’t Miss Reading The Rest Of This Article.

Your smartphone is probably your most important device; you practically do many of your daily tasks with it.

However, the same widespread use of mobile phones can cause the phone to become weaker and reduce its performance over time. This issue will be very inconvenient, especially for people looking to do heavy work like video editing or playing video games.

Fortunately, there are methods through which you can increase the speed and performance of your mobile phone and bring it closer to its peak days.

In this text, we are trying to introduce some of these methods and explain each one briefly.

Asus Zenfone 9

If you also face the problem of slowing your phone down and looking for ways to increase its speed, don’t miss reading this text.

Methods of increasing mobile phone performance

Restart your phone frequently.

Restarting the phone is one of the simplest and most trivial ways to improve its performance, which is often neglected!

However, restarting the phone in almost any situation can improve the phone’s performance to some extent. By continuing the phone, you delete all the files, data, and temporary processes of the device occupying its resources.

In this way, you can increase the speed of your phone instantly.

Close the applications you are not using!

Even if you do not use an application actively, this application may still be active in the phone’s background and occupy the device’s resources.

To close these applications, enter your Android phone’s settings section and then the Apps section. In this section, you can tap on any applications you are not using and then select Force Stop.

In particular, the phone’s default applications that have been installed on it since the first day and cannot be deleted can be ideal options to close and even disable; Because they are generally active in the background and despite their low efficiency, they consume part of the system resources.

Clear the cache and data off the phone.

Over time, various phone applications store temporary files and numerous data in the memory and occupy a large part of it.

As a result, the phone’s performance decreases, and the execution of programs is done at a lower speed.

To clear the cache and data, you can open the settings application of your phone and enter the settings section. By selecting the Cached Data option, you can press the Clear Cache key and clear the device’s cache.

In this section, it is also possible to delete the data related to each application, and you can delete its cache by pressing the corresponding key.

Delete rarely-used apps.

If you do not use many applications installed on your device that you do not use, you can free up memory space and improve the device’s performance by deleting them.

To delete an application, it is necessary to enter the settings and Apps sections again.

Then you can select the program name you want in the list of applications and press the Uninstall button.

Of course, in this regard, you can eliminate the need to delete various applications by not installing them. If you think you don’t need an app, there’s no need to download it!

Keep your phone software up to date.

Software updates usually include optimizations and changes that can increase the speed and performance of your Android phone.

So always try to use the latest security update on your phone.

To update the phone, go to the settings section and enter the System section. Then, you can edit the software version by pressing the System Updates key and then Check for Updates.

Use automatic closing applications (Task Killer).

Applications for closing unused programs can detect and close programs you do not use automatically.

In this way, Task Killer apps can improve the performance of Android devices.

Due to the wide variety of such applications, it is important to consider some points while downloading them.

First, you should ensure that your chosen application is compatible with your operating system. Second, you need to ensure that reputable developers make the installed application and have received good feedback; thirdly, the application you choose should be easy to use.

Use a file manager

Using the file manager, you can view the data on the memory and the documents downloaded on your phone and manage them better.

Android’s default file manager has good features in this field. However, you can see many other options by visiting the Google Play Store and downloading if needed.

Use performance-enhancing apps on your phone.

Performance-enhancing applications usually increase the performance of the phone by optimizing its settings.

Currently, many applications are available in the market that you can choose and install.

All the points about choosing a task-killer application will also be true for performance enhancement programs.

Control the ambient temperature.

Always try to use your phone in a moderate-temperature environment.

If the ambient temperature is too cold or hot, in addition to the depleted battery and less ability to hold a charge, the device’s processor will perform slower.

Use a different launcher.

The launcher of an Android phone is n interface through which the user interacts.

So if you are unhappy with your phone’s launcher, you can choose a different one.

With a simple check in the Android application stores, you can find various options and choose one according to your taste.

If your phone is old and does not have high hardware power, choose a lighter launcher that puts less pressure on the device.

Launchers like Nove Launcher or Microsoft Launcher are fast and smooth examples of weaker phones.


Use a custom ROM

A custom ROM is, in fact, an optimized example of the phone’s operating system that can provide you with benefits such as increased speed and performance, improved battery life, and different features.

Of course, be careful that installing a custom ROM is a relatively complicated process with problems. So be sure to do the necessary checks before doing it.

Restore the phone to factory settings.

The last way you can improve your phone’s performance is to do a factory reset.

This will erase all the applications, information, and data on the phone and turn your device into a raw phone.

Of course, don’t forget to back up your important data before the factory reset; you will not have access to this information later.

Buy a new phone!

If none of the above solutions solve the slow speed problem of your phone, the only way left is to buy a new phone!

New phones usually have more powerful processors and memory and can improve the device’s performance.

Simple tricks to fix some performance problems of Android phones

If you are still facing the problem of performance loss on your Android phone after following the general steps above, you may need to identify the specific situation and fix it.

These problems can be solved by simple methods such as checking the device for malware, clearing the cache memory, and factory resetting.

How to improve the battery life of an Android phone?

A long battery life is essential for a phone to provide good performance.

If your phone’s battery has a weak charge, you can reduce the pressure on it and improve the battery life by doing the following:

How to protect your phone from malware?

Viruses and malware are among the things that slow down your phone’s performance and can steal and abuse your personal information.

To protect your Android phone from malicious agents, always have a powerful antivirus application installed.

In addition, quick download and installation of security updates and paying attention to files and data downloaded from the Internet, and staying away from dangerous files can also be important to protect your Android device.


The things mentioned in this text can help you increase your Android phone’s performance. So if your phone is slowing down, try these methods.

The result of some of these methods can surprise you!

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