How To Change The Channel Of The Trial Version Of Windows 11 From Dev To Beta

Microsoft Releases Beta Versions Of Windows 11 On Two Channels. The First Channel Is Called Dev, Through Which Unstable Versions Of Windows 11 Are Released, And The Beta Channel, Which Provides Users With Less Problematic Versions.

With Build 11 22000.100, Microsoft has released the first beta version of Windows 11 on two different channels. Dev channel is the first non-stable version to test the users kills and channel Beta versions of stable and with fewer bugs available to those who have time and patience to deal with bugs and problems Dev channel does not have it.

Of course, the Dev version will thoroughly check before being released in Microsoft, and if there is a major problem, it will stop; however, the version released through the Beta channel is more stable than the Dev channel version.

This article will teach you how to change the trial versions of Windows 11 from Dev to Beta.

Fortunately, in Windows 11, Microsoft has changed the release model of new builds from a general operating system update to a cumulative update, which means that, like Windows 10, with the release of a new build, there is no need to re-download the operating system. Windows 11 finds its way.

To change the test channel from Dev to Beta, you must follow the path below.

From the Start menu, select Settings. Then left-click on Windows Update and select Windows Insider Program.

On this page, you will see a trial build of Windows 11. To change the channel, build 22000.100 must be installed.

After confirming the build number, click on the Dev option on this page and change the download channel for Windows 11 from Dev to Beta. It is not currently possible to use the Release Preview channel; Because this version is usually available shortly before the final version is released.

There is no need to reset the computer after changing the channel. Beta channel builds are usually available to users after their problems on the Dev channel are resolved, and there will likely be no news of a beta channel build for up to a month.

What do you think about Windows 11? Do you want to download the version demo of Windows 11 you?

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