How to block ads on Chrome?

Knowing how to block ads in Chrome is the easiest way to improve the experience of browsing different sites. This will prevent YouTube videos from being interrupted and increase your computer’s speed while surfing the net.

Blocking ads in Chrome is relatively simple, thanks to the ad blocker apps available in the Chrome Store. These ad blockers work in the background to stop ads without any intervention after installation in Chrome.

The best advantage of these programs is that they work great with Windows or MacOS versions and Chromebooks. So, if you don’t know how to block ads in Chrome, read this article till the end.


Block ads in Chrome on Windows or Mac

The only effective way to block Google Chrome and even Firefox ads is to use plugins. That is, the software installed on Chrome and Firefox adds a new feature to it.

There are many ad blockers in the Chrome Store, but in this article we will show you how to install AdBlock because it is the most popular.

Note: The screenshots are based on the Windows Chrome version, but the page layout and steps are similar to macOS and ChromeOS.

1- Using Chrome, go to the AdBlock page in the Chrome store and if you are not already logged in, log in to your Google account. (Click here to enter its page) Now click on Add to Chrome, then click on Add extension in the pop-up box that appears.


2- After a few seconds, AdBlock will be installed and a new tab will open asking you if you want to donate to the developers. This is completely optional, as AdBlock is free, so feel free to close the tab if you don’t want to donate.

3- AdBlock is already set up, but there are a few options we recommend you change first. To do this, click on the puzzle piece icon on the top right, then click on AdBlock, and finally click on the Settings button.

4- Now you should be in the General Options menu. For a better experience, we recommend unchecking the following boxes:

Allow some non-intrusive advertising (if this option is enabled, it allows some non-intrusive advertising)
Allow ads on specific YouTube channels
Allow Adblock to show me message on webpages when relevant

By unchecking these items, you’ll ensure that your web browsing experience is as ad-free as possible and you won’t receive unnecessary messages from AdBlock itself.



Now you can close the settings page and enjoy ad-free web browsing.

Blocking ads in Android Chrome

Unfortunately, Android Chrome does not support ad blocking extensions like desktop. However, it has an ad blocking feature that reduces the number of “intrusive or misleading ads”. While this isn’t as effective as an ad-blocking plugin, it will reduce the number of annoying ads you see online quite a bit. The steps in Android are as follows:


1- Open Chrome, then tap on the three dots on the top right and then tap on Settings.

2- Go to the bottom of the settings menu, tap on Site settings and then on Ads on the next page.

3- To disable ads, you must turn off the “Block ads on sites that show intrusive or misdealing ads” button.

If you want a more complete ad blocking process, we recommend installing the Samsung Internet Browser that works with any Android device. This attractive browser has built-in ad blockers.
How to block ads in Chrome: iPhone

The bad news is that there is no way to block ads in Chrome on iPhone. Unfortunately, the only option in the iOS version of Chrome is to block pop-up windows, which are enabled by default.

If you want to browse the Internet without ads, you should use Safari. Install AdGuard. This app is an add-on that blocks ads. You can also block personalized ads on iPhone in the settings, just like the above method for Android.










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