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How Text Summarization is Performed in NLP


Definition of Text Summarization

Task summarization in NLP refers to generating a summary of a task or project based on input documents or data. Task summarization aims to provide a quick overview of the task or project, highlighting the key information and insights relevant to the user.

In practice, task summarization can be used in a variety of settings. For example, in a business context, it can be used to create executive summaries of reports or to generate briefings for senior management. In a research context, it can summarize a study’s key findings or provide an overview of a particular research area.

It typically involves a combination of techniques from NLP and machine learning. These techniques analyze the input data and identify the most important information and insights. Some key steps in task summarization include identifying the main topics and themes in the input data, extracting the most important sentences or phrases, and generating a summary that captures the key points.

Common Applications of Text Summarization

It has various applications in various domains, including news, finance, scientific research, and social media. Here are some common applications of text summarization:

1. News Summarization

Text summarization can automatically generate summaries of news articles, allowing readers to get an overview of the most important information quickly. News organizations can use text summarization to create article summaries or aggregate news from multiple sources.

2. Document Summarization

It can automatically generate summaries of long documents, such as research papers or legal documents. Document summarization can help researchers, lawyers, and other professionals quickly identify the most important information in a document.

3. Social Media Summarization

It can automatically generate summaries of social media posts, such as tweets or Facebook posts. Social media summarization can help users quickly scan and understand large volumes of social media content.

4. Email Summarization

It can automatically generate email summaries, helping users quickly identify key information in their inboxes.

5. Search Result Summarization

It can automatically generate summaries of search results, enabling users to quickly identify the most relevant information without reading multiple search results.

6. Chatbot Summarization

It can generate summaries of chatbot conversations, helping users quickly review previous conversations and identify key information.

7. Voice Assistant Summarization

Text summarization can summarize voice assistant interactions, enabling users to review their previous interactions with the voice assistant quickly.


Text summarization is challenging in natural language processing (NLP) due to several factors. Here are some of the key challenges in text summarization:

1. Ambiguity and Context

Text summarization requires understanding the context and meaning of the input text, which can be challenging due to the ambiguity of natural language. The same word or phrase can have multiple meanings depending on the context, making it difficult to summarize the input text accurately.

2. Information Loss

Summarizing the input text involves selecting the most important information while discarding less important information, which can result in information loss. The summary may not capture all the nuances and details of the input text, which can lead to inaccuracies or misunderstandings.

3. Domain Specificity

Text summarization algorithms may be trained on general-purpose datasets, which may not be specific enough for certain domains. For example, summarizing medical records requires specialized domain knowledge and terminology that may not be present in general-purpose datasets.

4. Length and Structure

The input text’s length and structure can affect the summary’s quality. Longer input text may require more complex algorithms, while shorter input text may not provide enough context for an accurate summary.

5. Evaluation Metrics

Evaluating the quality of a summary is challenging, as there are no clear evaluation metrics for text summarization. Metrics such as accuracy, precision, and recall may not apply to summarization, as summarization aims to capture the most important information rather than all the information in the input text.

6. Multimodal Summarization

Summarizing text that contains images, videos, or other multimedia content requires incorporating information from multiple modalities, which can be challenging. Multimodal summarization requires integrating information from different modalities and selecting the most important information across all modalities.
Addressing these challenges requires careful consideration of the input text, the summarization algorithm, and the evaluation metrics used to assess the summary’s quality. Advances in machine learning and deep learning have led to significant progress in text summarization in recent years. However, much work must be done to develop accurate and reliable summarization algorithms that can operate effectively in various domains and contexts.

Techniques to Evaluate the Quality of a Summary

Evaluating the quality of a summary is a challenging task in natural language processing (NLP) because there is often no single correct answer. However, several techniques and metrics can be used to assess the quality of a summary. Here are some common techniques used to evaluate the quality of a summary:

Human Evaluation

It is a technique for evaluating the quality of a summary that involves having human evaluators read the input text and the corresponding summary and rate the summary’s quality based on various criteria. Human evaluation is often considered the most reliable method for evaluating a summary’s quality because it considers factors such as coherence, relevance, and completeness that may be difficult to measure using automated metrics.


There are several ways to conduct human evaluation, depending on the specific requirements and constraints of the task. Here are some examples of human evaluation methods for summarization:
1. Direct Assessment
It involves human evaluators rating the summary’s quality on a scale, such as Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor. Direct assessment is a simple and widely used method for human evaluation. However, it may not provide detailed feedback on the specific aspects of the summary that need improvement.
2. Pairwise Comparison
It involves human evaluators comparing two summaries and choosing the one of higher quality. Pairwise comparison is a more detailed evaluation method than direct assessment. Still, it can be time-consuming and require many pairwise comparisons to generate statistically significant results.
3. Task-Based Evaluation
It involves human evaluators performing tasks based on the input text and the corresponding summary, such as answering questions or making decisions. The summary’s quality is evaluated based on how well the evaluators can perform the task using the summary. It can provide a more realistic assessment of the summary’s quality than other methods. Still, designing and executing can be more complex.
4. Expert Judgment
It involves having domain experts, such as subject matter experts or professional writers, evaluate the summary’s quality based on their expertise and experience. Expert judgment can provide valuable insights into the summary’s quality. Still, it can be difficult to find and recruit qualified experts.
5. Crowdsourcing
It involves having many human evaluators rate the summary’s quality. Crowdsourcing can provide a diverse range of opinions and can be cost-effective. Still, it may be more difficult to control for the evaluators’ quality and the evaluations’ consistency.
These are just a few examples of the human evaluation methods that can be used for summarization. The choice of evaluation method depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the task, as well as the resources available for evaluation. Multiple evaluation methods are often recommended to get a more comprehensive understanding of the summary’s quality.


Bilingual Evaluation Understudy is a metric commonly used to evaluate machine translation quality but can also be used for summarization evaluation. BLEU measures the overlap between the words or n-grams in the summary and the reference summary. Also, it provides a score between 0 and 1. It is a simple and widely used metric for summarization evaluation. However, it has been criticized for not correlating well with human judgments.
Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) is a metric commonly used to evaluate machine translation quality but can also be used for summarization evaluation. It measures the overlap between the words or n-grams in the summary and the reference summary and provides a score between 0 and 1. BLEU is a simple and widely used metric for summarization evaluation, but it has been criticized for not always correlating well with human judgments.

Techniques to Evaluate the Quality of a Summary

1. N-gram Matching
BLEU measures the overlap between the n-grams in the summary and the reference summary, where n is typically set to 1, 2, 3, or 4. BLEU computes the precision of the n-gram matches, which is the ratio of n-grams in the summary that also appear in the reference summary to the total number of n-grams.
2. Modified N-gram Precision
BLEU modifies the n-gram precision by considering the summary’s length. Because shorter summaries are more likely to have higher precision due to chance, BLEU penalizes summaries that are too short by multiplying the n-gram precision by a brevity penalty factor, which is the ratio of the length of the summary to the length of the reference summary.
3. Geometric Mean
BLEU computes the geometric mean of the modified n-gram precision scores across all n-gram orders, giving more weight to higher-order n-grams. The geometric mean avoids assigning too much weight to any single n-gram order.
4. Cumulative BLEU
BLEU also computes a cumulative version of the metric, which measures the overlap between all n-grams up to a certain order.


Pyramid is a human evaluation method for summarization that aims to provide a more comprehensive assessment of summary quality than other evaluation methods. The Pyramid method involves having human evaluators rate the summary on multiple levels of abstraction, ranging from the most general to the most specific. The ratings are then used to build a pyramid of summary quality, with the most comprehensive summaries at the top and the least comprehensive summaries at the bottom.

Techniques to Evaluate the Quality of a Summary

1. Level of Abstraction
The Pyramid method evaluates the summary on multiple levels of abstraction, ranging from the most general to the most specific. Each level corresponds to a different degree of detail, with higher levels representing more comprehensive summaries. The Pyramid method typically uses four levels of abstraction, but the number can be adjusted based on the specific requirements of the task.
2. Rating Scale
The Pyramid method uses a rating scale to evaluate the summary at each level of abstraction. The rating scale typically ranges from 1 to 4, with 1 representing a summary that is not informative and 4 representing a highly informative and comprehensive summary.
3. Reference Summaries
The Pyramid method uses one or more reference summaries to provide a basis for the ratings. The reference summaries are typically selected to represent a range of quality levels, from poor to excellent, and are used to calibrate the ratings across evaluators.
4. Multiple Evaluators
The Pyramid method involves having multiple human evaluators rate the summary at each level of abstraction. The ratings are then aggregated to obtain a consensus rating for each level.
5. Pyramid Construction
The Pyramid method uses consensus ratings to construct a pyramid of summary quality, with the most comprehensive summaries at the top and the least comprehensive summaries at the bottom. The pyramid can be used to compare the quality of different summaries and identify improvement areas.


F-measure is a metric commonly used in information retrieval and natural language processing to evaluate the performance of a system that produces binary classification decisions. It combines precision and recall into a single score and can be used to evaluate the quality of a summarization system that produces binary decisions about whether to include each sentence or phrase in summary.

Techniques to Evaluate the Quality of a Summary

1. Precision
It is the fraction of selected sentences or phrases relevant to the summary. It is calculated as the ratio of relevant sentences or phrases to the total number of selected sentences or phrases.
2. Recall
It is the fraction of relevant sentences or phrases selected for the summary. It is calculated as the ratio of relevant sentences or phrases to the total number of relevant sentences or phrases in the reference summary.
3. F-measure
It combines “precision” and “recall” into a single score, using the harmonic mean of the two values. The harmonic mean gives more weight to the lower of the two values, which means that the F-measure is more sensitive to imbalances between precision and recall than other measures, such as the arithmetic mean.
In summary, F-measure is a useful metric for evaluating the quality of a summarization system that produces binary decisions about whether to include each sentence or phrase in the summary. It combines “precision” and “recall” into a single score and can be used to balance the trade-off between the two values.

Final Words

Overall, task summarization is a powerful tool for quickly and efficiently processing large amounts of information and distilling it to its most important elements. It has many practical applications in various industries and settings, from business and finance to healthcare and research.
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