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How Social Media Shapes Our Identity

How Social Media Shapes Our Identity

These Days, It Is Common To Find A Photo From A Pile Of Old Photos. We Spend Hours In Photographs, Many Of Which Document Our Daily Lives In Unprecedented Ways. 

Identity Facebook was founded in 2004 and has managed to attract many people with its creative and user-friendly ideas so that some people put all the events of daily life on this social network.

In 2015, Kate Aikorn wrote in her book End of Oblivion: Growing Up on Social Media that Snapshot users shared about 30 million photos per hour on the social network, with English parents averaging about 200 photos per year. “They have posted their children online.”

 In the case of people who grew up with social media, a group of people under the age of twenty-five, the whole mysterious period of their lives has been marred by this social phenomenon.


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