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How Long Does it Take to Learn Python?

Within 40 hours, a new developer should be able to write basic application scripts in Python. This is the time to learn Python:

There are more intermediate features here that the developer should spend more time learning to start mastering Python:

With hands-on basic skills training, a new developer can learn the basic Python concepts needed to get the basics done in a basic programming job in a month.

Learning this in Python is faster than learning C ++ or Java concepts because it makes executing Python scripts straightforward without needing to compile code. Because the syntax is human-like, it makes writing code easier.

More details about learning Python

Typically, these programming concepts are taught at the university for more than four months in an “Introduction to Programming” class during the first semester of computer engineering, while you take other classes such as digital design and logic circuitry.

People can also learn these things in programming schools. Programming schools can be obtained at a moderate cost with easier admission requirements and without the two or 4-year commitment of the university they need.

In schools and academic programming, Python comprehensive programming is taught in 3-4 months. By knowing the factors that play a role in your learning and using the tips described in this article, you can learn Python in half the time.

You can write basic text games such as game hanger or number guessing at this level. You should also be able to create programs such as an address book or calculator. At the next level, adding data structures and algorithms to your application is another barrier to learning that takes several months to understand fully. But it does make it easy to grow and maintain applications. Your programs also run faster by learning coding optimization techniques.

But to create web applications as complex as Google, Facebook, or the advanced technology in this blog and WordPress, you need more than just Python. This requires additional knowledge of distributed software design, JavaScript, databases, and learning frameworks such as Python flask, SQL-alchemy, and Python’s AWS client BOTO to create cloud services. Each of these will take time to learn, but trying to master a variety of technologies and skills will make you more of a software developer.

So as you can see, there are many factors to consider before answering the question of how long it takes to learn Python programming. It is also possible that depending on your goals, you will not have the same answers to all the questions, including whether you want to learn basic programming, work as a freelancer, become a master of Python and software development, Or upgrade your skills.

However, although the answer to the main question may vary greatly from person to person, one fact is that it does not take many years of study to get started in Python. So stay calm and follow the factors that affect your Python learning time and Python fast learning methods by controlling your goals and focus.

Python learning time factors

The main factors in the learning time of Python programming are:

Learning Objective

A developer’s goal to learn Python programming is an important determinant of the duration and possible level of success. Do you learn Python so that you can write and understand basic programs? Do you want to go deeper and work in a specialized field that can be used to earn money? Your answer has a lot to say.

Knowing the reason will allow you to reduce the time it takes to reach each goal by presenting a clear goal and helping to focus on it. In the book Composite Effect, Darren Hardy profoundly affected us when he reinforced this concept with the story of the balancing stick.

“Anyone can cross a wide balancing stick a few inches from the ground,” he said. But when you make it more challenging by lifting a 50-foot balance in the air between two buildings, most people will no longer be able to do it because of the risk of failure or have no incentive even to try it. But if there is a fire on one side of the building and a family member is injured on the other, you now have a better reason to reach the other side.

Think of your most challenging goals as the balance sheet you must go through and put the reason on the other side. Even if you fall from your balance stick, it is not so severe that you fall from 50 feet. Don’t worry. Focus on your goals again and try to reach your goals.

Learning speed

In general, the speed of learning varies from person to person. The speed of our understanding of new knowledge is not at the same level. In addition, the context of learning plays a role in the speed of learning because some people learn fast in some areas but are slow in others. This is a very important determinant of the time spent learning Python because trying to compare yourself to a fast learner if you do not succeed will cause frustration and make your learning difficult.

The amount of time it takes for each learner to master Python will be different. Which group of language learners do you think you belong to? Being honest about how fast you are learning will help you set more achievable and realistic goals and stay away from others.

Avoid comparing yourself to others and try to improve yourself against the measurable metrics you have achieved in the past. The speed at which personal goals are achieved or exceeded determines your learning speed. This can be accelerated by practical training and personal success. Set your goals at the beginning of the week and review your progress each week to assess your speed and level of focus. Was the reason for not achieving your goals a distraction? In this case, find ways to put distractions aside and prioritize your learning process.

Even if you learn at a slower pace, in many cases, the learning process is like a freight train that takes a while to get moving, but you can’t stop it by continuing to work. You have to have a strong “I think I can” mentality.

Commitment to learning

Programming requires time, attention, and consistency. These are all branches of commitment. The amount of time and quality of attention to learning Python also largely indicates mastery of action. This is true not only of Python but also of other programming languages. One thing about programming is that, after a few days of pause in the learning process, there is a need to review prior knowledge fully. The art of coding easily escapes human memory. Therefore, continuous practice is important.

Most problems that arise in non-commitment to learning can be due to the fear of not achieving great goals or lack of sufficient reason to achieve the goal, leading to a lack of priority for personal study or coding.

The previous level of programming

This is another important determinant of the time it takes to learn Python. Even if you do not need a programming background before you start learning Python, it is certainly not possible to master the same time frame as someone who already has a good knowledge of another programming language such as Java. A novice programmer can learn JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc., in three weeks, something that a person with previous knowledge will learn in one week. Therefore, the answer you give about the category to which you belong brings you closer to answering the main question.

If you are new to programming, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to learn a program by immersing yourself in it. Join the 100 Days of Code Challenge on Twitter, participate in programming groups like Reddit’s r / learnprogramming, do coding challenges on websites like leetcode, and watch programming channel videos.

Existing learning content

Another thing when learning Python is learning content. There are many resources to learn, especially in this day and age when the world has become a global village. There is a lot of coding on the Internet with software versions of books, videos, and educational websites, so it is very easy to get information.

The choices you make from all these sources of knowledge determine the learning time. A person who only reads a random book or sees YouTube tutorials and does not get involved with the content takes notes, builds projects as fast as someone spends time, and gets the best book recommendations. , Does not learn.

The bottom line is that, according to Google, the CEO reads an average of 60 books a year, or a little more than one book a month. Achieving this requires great focus, speed, and the ability to read and distract from distractions such as Netflix and video games. If you are serious about coding and getting the right job position, use all the learning materials available.

When working through a book or programming tutorial, do so in a quiet place where you can stay focused and avoid potential hassles such as cell phones, Facebook, or Twitter.

Short Python Quick Learning Guide

If one can go through this list and focus on it, one can learn many of the basic functions of Python in two to four weeks.

1- Installing and adjusting Python

2- Writing the script “Hello World” to learn how to run the program and see the output

Extend this to the “Guess the Number” program to learn how to store input in a variable, create a random number by entering a random function from the standard Python library, and a simple “if… else”.

4. Create an address book that reads and writes contacts in a file. This will allow you to learn the basics of object-oriented work with the Person class.

5. Using the Tkinter or PyQT frameworks, create a simple calculator program with a graphical user interface. This way, you will learn how to create visually appealing interactive applications, work with libraries, and interact with graphical user components such as buttons that trigger an event when clicked.

To expand this topic and prepare for the job, learn the basic structures of data and algorithms and spend another month practicing coding in leetcode or hacker rank.


So, back to the big question, how long does it take to learn Python? Well, with all that being said so far, it just depends on the learner and his goals. The factors above still depend on the Python developer and how much pressure they put on to achieve their programming goals faster through focus, prioritization, and practice.

However, this idea can help anyone reading this article come up with an accurate answer if you spend 3 hours each day learning and practicing Python at a relative speed. You should know the basics within three months, but it may not be enough to get the job done. If you specialize in one area and gain enough knowledge of Python for a job, it may take 4-6 months or more in the abovementioned determinants. If you can eliminate all the distractions and focus on the short guide to learning Python quickly, a typical language learner can even learn Python in 4-6 weeks.

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