How do we lock your WiFi so that no strangers can enter it?

People like password-free Wi-Fi networks. As soon as they find a protected Wi-Fi signal; They log in and use the Internet.

Wouldn’t your neighbor have a bit of Internet bandwidth to watch a Netflix movie?

In addition to the public, hackers and cybercriminals love insecure Wi-Fi and seize the opportunity to harm them. They use your WiFi to attack your devices and steal your personal information. They upload illegal information, files and tools to your device to expose you to the police.

All of these things and wanderings in WiFi, whether by a neighbor or an Internet saboteur, slow down WiFi and disrupt your daily routine.

Sometimes the problem of slow internet is not from your service provider or your modem or router; Rather, it is your WiFi that allows multiple devices to log in anonymously and use Internet bandwidth.

Here are four steps you can take to begin the process of preparation.

1. Get a list of all the devices connected to the network

In the first step, you need to get a list of devices that connect to WiFi. To do this, one way is to log in to the admin panel under a web modem or router.

Each modem and router uses a specific IP address to access the admin panel. Usually this IP address is in the form of or or; It is inserted in the manual and installation of the modem or on the back of the modem.

You must enter this IP address into the web browser address bar of your computer, laptop or mobile phone and use the default username and password to log in to the user panel. Usually the default username and password for modems is admin / admin or admin / 1234; Unless you have changed your password yourself.

In the modem user panel, in the DHCP Client List or Attached Devices section, you can see the list of devices connected to the network. You should check their IP address, MAC address, device name, and other information and match it to your devices to identify unknown devices.

One trick to finding unknown devices is to turn off all your own devices or exit WiFi. In this case, the remaining devices in this list are the same as the unknown devices.

Another way to access Wi-Fi-connected devices is to use dozens of free and easy-to-use applications found on the Internet for desktops and mobiles. For example, the free Wireless Network Watcher app can provide you with a list of devices connected to the WiFi network.

2. Block unauthorized users

Whether or not you access unauthorized devices or users on your Wi-Fi network; You should prevent them from entering by choosing a strong encryption system and password. Each modem or router has different options for encryption.

The WEP option is found on most of these devices, but should be avoided because it is an outdated encryption protocol with major vulnerabilities. The WEP protocol can be easily bypassed. WPA2 and WPA3 encryption protocols are recommended instead. The best choice is WPA2-PSK AES.

Your network may already have a strong password and a good encryption system, but anonymous devices will still have access to your WiFi. In this case, you must immediately change the WiFi password again. You can also reset your modem or router to factory settings or change your WiFi radio band.

At this stage, everything possible can be done to strengthen Wi-Fi security; Do it. Changing the WiFi password, changing the modem prefix password, renaming the WiFi network or SSID, changing the radio band, changing the encryption system, hiding the SSID and disabling remote management are all things that can help make your home WiFi more secure.

do not forget; When you change the WiFi password; A new password must be entered on your devices, otherwise they will not connect to WiFi.

3- Set up a Wi-Fi network for guests

These days, it’s natural for everyone to want to connect to your WiFi. Get from family members to friends, guests and maybe neighbors legally!

It is better to give your WiFi password to all these people instead of storing it on their device and let them all roam on your home WiFi; Set up a guest Wi-Fi network.

This idea allows you to share your internet with others; But it does not pose any threat to your home WiFi and others do not have access to the files, folders and information shared on the WiFi network.

Guest Wi-Fi network is activated by another network name or SSID and has a different password than your Wi-Fi. Be sure to follow all the basic security settings for guest WiFi. It is better that the local access option is completely off, and the more interesting point is that you do not need to read the guest’s WiFi password for everyone; All you have to do is create a QR code from it and install it somewhere.

4- Turn off the remote access to the modem or router

Remote administration feature allows you to access and manage your modem or router via the Internet. If you have ever contacted the support of your internet service provider and they made settings on the modem; You have experience using this feature.

Remote administration tool is useful; Especially when the modem or router has a problem but on the other hand, exposes your device to hacking others. If you do not really need this feature; It is better to turn it off.

Enter the settings section of your modem or router. This feature is usually found in a section called Remote Administration. By default, turn off this feature, and if necessary, you can turn it on and off again in the shortest time.

do not forget; The last thing you need on WiFi; Inviting strangers to roam is in your WiFi!

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