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Google: To Reduce Stress And Experience Better Sleep, Don’t Use Your Phone Before Going To Bed

Google: To Reduce Stress And Experience Better Sleep, Don't Use Your Phone Before Going To Bed

Smartphones Have Become An Integral Part Of Our Lives. These Devices Have Changed The Way People Communicate, Work, And Even Socialize.

Continuous phone use can adversely affect the body’s activity, such as increased stress and anxiety. Google is well aware of this issue, so it has provided suggestions for a healthier and more informed use of smartphones.

As part of its social responsibility program, Google has mandated the Digital Wellbeing feature on Android devices that require Google Play certification.

This feature provides users with a wide range of tools to help manage their digital lives. For example, this feature allows you to set timers for apps and limit their usage. In addition, you can schedule the time to disconnect from your devices and even track when the screen is on to understand your habits better.

Google has also introduced tools to disconnect.

These features will help you disconnect from your device and live without a smartphone. For example, this company has developed a feature called Wind Down, which turns your device’s screen gray and activates Do Not Disturb mode before sleeping. These features help increase relaxation and a better sleep experience.

In addition, Google uses artificial intelligence to help users manage their digital lives more effectively. For example, this company has introduced a feature called Google Duplex, which makes calls on behalf of the user and arranges his appointments. This feature helps save time and reduces the stress of managing work schedules.

According to Gizchina, Google recently shared three tips on its popular blog, The Keyword, to help users eliminate anxiety and improve their mental health. The first tip is to work less with your phone. It is essential to put your smartphone away while sleeping. Doing this can reduce stress and make better use of your time.

The second point is to improve the quality of sleep, which is closely related to stress.

 Google recommends disconnecting your device and setting a sleep routine to do this. For example, go to bed at a particular time every night and turn off your devices a few minutes before sleep and rest.

Google also recommends that you use devices like smartphones less. The blue light of these devices can cause sleep problems. On the other hand, staying away from emails and social media can help reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Google experts say that stress is a normal part of our lives, and sometimes it becomes very challenging in the modern environment, but we all need to learn to recognize the signs of such stress and take better care of ourselves. We can reduce the pressures caused by this phenomenon with better self-awareness and stress management.

In general, Google encourages users to use smartphones more healthily and consciously. This company hopes to help users experience a more balanced and healthy life by providing features related to health management. If you want to reduce your stress levels, have better mental health and also experience better sleep, disconnecting from devices like smartphones is very important.

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