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Familiarity with Redis and other important databases in NoSQL


Unlike databases like SQL, NOSQL uses a dynamic structure for its schema and is a powerful option in terms of speed and flexibility against the constraints of other databases. In this article, we are going to review the Redis and NOSQL databases and point out the strengths and weaknesses of each.

REDIS database

For companies whose data is growing rapidly (such as storing information on a personal page) and are concerned about the cost of maintaining it, a good option is to use the process of storing some data in cache. Cache is a temporary storage area where data can loads faster.

That was the philosophy behind Redis in 2010. Redis is in memory (both main and side); As a result, speed and efficiency are great. The size of the database must be predictable in order to use Redis, otherwise Redis will cost more. Redis is a Key-Value Database; Therefore, the data is in the form of key-value or key-value pairs. The keys play the role of the identifier of each data.

This database is in C programming language and is mostly in Unix and Linux operating systems, but it is also for Microsoft Windows. It supports many programming languages ​​such as C # / .NET, C ++, Ruby, Java, Python, etc. and is available as open source. Companies such as Flicker, Github, Snapchat and Pinterest use Redis.

Redis Features

MongoDB database

It is one of the most popular NOSQL databases with a flexible structure and is mostly in high volume data projects. This database came in 2009 and is a Document Database; This means that JSON or XML documents are for storing the data. Storing different types of values ​​in the form of a document makes it possible to store complex structures such as arrays and hierarchical data. The data values ​​of the primary and external keys are . This database is in the Java programming language, is open to the public, and supports many programming languages ​​compared to other NOSQL databases; Including C # / .NET, C ++, Ruby, Java, Python.

To execute code in mongoDB, you must proceed through mongo Shell. mongo Shell is an interactive interface that allows them to send query commands and update data. Of course, using an external key has its drawbacks and may disrupt data stability and system integrity. Also, in clustering the data in this database, only one node can be as the main node. This problem is okay in the Cassandra database, which we will discuss in the next section.

MongoDB Features

Cassandra Database

Netflix, one of the largest online streaming services for movies and entertainment content, uses this technology exclusively for data storage. Cassandra came in 2008 with the motto of scalability and high performance without reducing system performance on a large scale. It is a Wide-Column Database; This type of database is similar to relational databases, except that each column in different records can contain data of different structure and type, and each row can contain a different number of columns. Because of the cache of this data, Cassandra is for storing valuable key data that requires high access.

Features of Cassandra

Advanced Architecture: Unlike other existing databases, they are consistently available. This is due to the design structure of this database.

NEO4J database

This database came in 2007. Neo4j is a Graph Database; That is, a graph is for storing entities and the relationships between them. Today, many companies in various industries, including financial services, energy, government, technology, stores, etc., use this database. Neo4j is written in Java and Scala programming languages, is open to the public and is available in NET, C ++, Ruby, Java, Python programming languages. And … supports.

Features of Neo4j

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