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Effective Solutions to Reduce Ping on a VPS

Effective Solutions to Reduce Ping on a VPS

Perhaps the main concern of most people on the Internet is reducing ping in order to use some web tools, or the most important reason is access to proper ping for better speed in a shooter and online games; Note that you will never get a ping lower than 20 unless you are away from sanctions and use the internet without restrictions and are literally completely free.

When it comes to reducing ping, turning on VPN or changing DNS will be common suggestions that they offer you; But in reality, they won’t have any effect on reducing ping, especially turning on VPN, maybe DNS can make a small change, but VPN won’t be able to reduce ping without connecting to its closest specific servers. Usually, methods like reducing ping with a virtual server and optical fiber are used for this purpose.

If you need to check more about the concept and word ping; You can refer to the article in Ded9 Server’s blog titled: What is ping? Check it out

One of the most important points of virtual servers to reduce ping can be mentioned that if your ping is assumed to be 80, it will neither increase nor decrease; In fact, it provides you with a constant ping that can provide you with quite decent stability, and this will be an exceptional case.

Note: It should be noted that Ded9 Server can provide you with high-quality virtual servers with access to SSD NVMe storage space, various locations and also equipped with Raid version 10 system; In order to get the desired server, you can also refer to the virtual server purchase page and activate your desired service

How the virtual server works to reduce ping

Note that some of the companies in question can provide you with the given services, but in addition to all these things, you should also consider whether the type of software or game you are planning to reduce ping due to that service. Prepare the desired one, is it supported or not? Some games or software will not have much effect on reducing ping due to certain reasons.

Therefore, it is better to have the necessary conversations with the support of the provider company before buying the desired server and then preparing the server!

Perhaps the majority question and the most important point in this section is that the ping should increase by connecting to VPN! So, in what situation can the ping decrease by connecting to a VPN?!

According to most companies providing ping reduction services; By connecting to the nearest desired server in VPN through a virtual server, you can reduce the desired ping; Note that before buying the main virtual servers; Prepare free and test versions, in fact, don’t be fooled, and if you get a positive response and a decrease in ping; Then buy the main server!

Reduce ping without a virtual server?

One of the easiest ways to reduce ping without using a virtual server is to have fiber optic technology, which may not be covered in some areas in the current state, but it is better than virtual server service to reduce ping and your ping will easily reach 40ms. ! Note that you have to pay a little bit more to use optical fiber, which seems reasonable considering the type of service and volume it provides.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Ping virtual server be called an interface between the network?

Generally; a Ping server uses the closest routes connected to existing servers; can provide you with a lower ping and a more stable connection.

Is 100 ping a good ping for phones when connected to a PC?


Sometimes, not following simple factors while you are enjoying good internet quality can have a significant impact on your ping quality and you will experience high ping; Therefore, make sure of basic but important points such as not connecting multiple users to a Wi-Fi network or not watching the high-quality video and also downloading other programs, and do not do the said actions in any way when working with online software that has a good ping. Do not play online games that require low ping

Ping has other uses that you can use to check your internet connection and make sure if you benefit from a ping of around 60 to eventually 80; You will not need to buy a virtual server to reduce ping or fiber optics; If you feel that you have a problem with ping 80, then you can take the necessary measures and prepare your service. Thank you for your cooperation and good choice, dear user.


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