Cross, Tensorflow, Pytorch; Key Differences Between The Three Deep Learning Frameworks

Deep Learning Is One Of The Important Subsets Of Machine Learning That Has Become Very Popular In The Last Few Decades. 

As with any emerging technology, employers and industry owners raise the question of whether it is possible to apply the above technology to real-world problems.

The answer is yes.

Deep learning can be used to solve specific problems. To be more precise, due to its lightness and the unique processing power it requires, companies use it for particular issues. In addition, developers proficient in this technology try to use different frameworks and libraries to solve other problems.

Accordingly, in this article, we decided to examine the differences between the three big frameworks, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and Keras, to get a detailed understanding of the capabilities of each of these frameworks.

What is deep learning?

The terms ” deep learning, “machine learning,” and ” artificial intelligence ” confuse people who are new to the world of intelligent technologies. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, while machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence.

Deep learning processes data by modeling the human brain’s neurons and uses neurons to make decisions, recognize objects, recognize speech, and translate languages. Moreover, it learns valuable insights from unstructured and unlabeled data without human supervision or intervention.

Deep learning is based on a hierarchical pattern of artificial neural networks built like the human brain, allowing nodes and neurons to process data. While traditional machine learning programs work by linearly analyzing data, deep learning will enable machines to process data using a non-linear approach. With this introduction, we examine the critical differences between the prominent frameworks of this field.

What is Cross?

Keras is Python’s high-level neural network application programming interface (API). This open-source neural network library is designed to build and train deep neural networks quickly and can run on top of frameworks such as CNTK, TensorFlow, and Theano. Cross focuses on being modular, user-friendly, and extensible. Also, it does not perform low-level calculations and transfers this process to another library called Backend. Cross was officially released in mid-2017 and merged with TensorFlow shortly after. Because of this, developers can access it through the turf. Keras module. However, developers can still use the Cross library separately.

What is PyTorch?

PyTorch is a relatively new deep-learning framework based on Torch. PyTorch was developed in 2017 by Facebook’s artificial intelligence research group, and its code was made available to the public in an open-source form on GitHub. This framework is used to build natural language processing applications. PyTorch is known for its simplicity, ease of use, flexibility, efficient use of memory, and dynamic computational graphs. Also, it is capable of generating native codes, which makes code management more accessible and the speed of running programs and models faster.

What is TensorFlow?

TensorFlow is an open-source deep-learning framework developed by Google and released in 2015. This framework interests developers due to its robust educational documentation, various options for generating and deploying scalable models, providing different levels of abstraction, and supporting other platforms such as Android. TensorFlow offers different levels of abstraction for building and training intelligent models. One thing to note about TensorFlow is that it is a symbolic math library used for neural networks. Also, it supports data stream programming well and can be used for various applications.

By providing flexible and comprehensive solutions and capabilities, TensorFlow provided a significant evolution in the field of the rapid growth of deep learning. More specifically, it offers a wide range of libraries and tools to facilitate building and deploying machine learning applications. Also, it uses crosses optimally. However, it is still possible to compare and evaluate the two frameworks, as developers who intend to use Cross do not have to use TensorFlow.

Tiano, a library you should not forget!

Although this article evaluates TensorFlowCross, and PyTorch, we should talk about Tiano. Theano is one of the most popular deep-learning libraries. An open-source project that allows programmers to define, evaluate, and optimize math commands. For this reason, it has a very high performance in working with multidimensional arrays and matrices. Tiano was developed by the University of Montreal in 2007 and is a critical foundational library used to build deep learning models using Python. Hence, it is considered the grandfather of deep learning frameworks and interests academic researchers.

PyTorch vs. TensorFlow

Both the TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks offer different levels of abstraction that greatly simplify the process of developing models. However, they differ significantly, as PyTorch takes a more Pythonic approach and is object-oriented, while TensorFlow offers a variety of options.

Today, PyTorch is used in most deep learning projects and is growing in popularity among AI researchers. Of course, its popularity is less than the three main frameworks in the field, but this trend will change as the support team plans to add significant functionality. Researchers are looking for flexibility, debugging capabilities, and quick training models to turn to PyTorch. In addition, PyTorch is multi-platform; This means that it can run on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

A TensorFlow framework is a favorite tool of most experts and researchers in the artificial intelligence industry, thanks to its abundant documentation and tutorial examples. TensorFlow performs better in visualization and allows developers to debug models and monitor the details of model training more accurately. In contrast, PyTorch offers limited options for rendering.

TensorFlow beats PieTorch thanks to the TensorFlow Serving framework used for trained and deployed models. PyTorch does not provide such a framework, so developers must use Django or Flask as a backend server.

In the field of data parallelization, PyTorch has an optimal and acceptable performance by relying on native support for asynchronous execution through Python. In contrast, in TensorFlow, you must manually code and optimize each operation to be executed on a specific device to enable distributed training. In short, you should use some features that PyTorch provides you by coding in TensorFlow.

If you are new to deep learning, we suggest you focus on PieTorch learning first, as the research community widely supports it. However, suppose you are familiar with machine learning and deep learning and are focused on finding a job in this industry as quickly as possible. In that case, you should consider learning TensorFlow first.

Pietorch vs. Cross

Mathematicians and researchers mostly use PyTorch. Developers who want a ready-to-use framework away from conventional complexities use Cross, A framework that allows them to build, train and evaluate their models rapidly. In addition, Cross offers more options for easier deployment of models. Both are good choices if you’re just getting started with deep learning frameworks. However, remember that PyTorch is faster than Cross and offers better-debugging capabilities.

Both platforms are popular in the world of artificial intelligence and deep learning, and there are many resources for learning them. Developers have easy access to cross-code samples, and in addition, many tutorials are provided. At the same time, an active community of developers maintains PyTorch. Cross better supports developers when working with small datasets, fast and multiple prototyping. Also, thanks to its relative simplicity, it is the most popular framework that can run on various operating systems such as Linux, macOS, and Windows.

TensorFlow vs. Cross

TensorFlow is an integrated open-source platform that provides developers with a wide range of libraries that can be used in machine learning projects. At the same time, Cross is a high-level neural network library that runs on top of TensorFlow. Both provide high-level APIs that are used to build and train models simply. Of course, Cross is more user-friendly because it is written using the Python language.

Researchers generally turn to TensorFlow when working with large datasets and object detection because they need high performance. TensorFlow is a multi-platform framework used on Linux, Windows, Android, and macOS. This framework was developed by the Google Brain research team and is also used by Google research teams.

As a reader of this article, note that you can define a model with the Cross interface and make the best use of the simple and efficient features of this framework, and further, when you need to use functional features that Cross does not provide or to Looking for specific functionality that TensorFlow provides, write other parts of the project using TensorFlow. Therefore, you can train your TensorFlow model directly through the capabilities provided by Cross.

Tiano vs. Tensorflow

This article focuses on TensorFlow, Cross, and PyTorch, but we should not neglect Tiano. With its mechanism, Tiano provides the fastest solution for performing tabular calculations. For this reason, it is a master’s in teaching deep neural network algorithms. This multi-platform framework can best use central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs) to train models.

TensorFlow also can make optimal use of the central processor and graphics because it operates based on the calculation of graphs and allows the developer to visualize the structure of the neural network in a better way using TensorBoard. In addition, it provides developers with simple debugging solutions.

PyTorch, Tensorflow, or Cross, which one provides better performance?

The answer depends on your needs and the project you are working on. Therefore, in the first step, you should check the features that the AI ​​project needs. Table 1 shows the characteristics and differences between TensorflowPyTorch, and Cross.

As you can see, none of the frameworks are perfect in their own right, so try to learn how to use the above frameworks along with the other options available. When learning CrossPyTorch, and TensorFlow, try to understand the overlaps and differences of each so that you can use the proper framework when working on projects. Paying attention to this point makes the built models provide accurate results and high speed in data processing. Following this simple tip will make the models you develop to stand out.

last word

To succeed in a data scientist or artificial intelligence engineer career, you must master the various deep learning frameworks available in the market. An essential principle you should pay attention to is learning and practical practice. Nowadays, some schools offer special courses to teach specialized topics about deep learning with Cross and TensorFlow, which can help you significantly increase your skill level. If it is not possible to attend school, the Internet is the best source for learning specialized topics for free.

A deep learning course should teach you how to work with specialized programming languages, along with the frameworks available for that language, to implement artificial neural networks successfully. You will only understand how to build deep learning models, interpret the results, and even focus on your deep learning project.

Forecasts by organizations such as Gartner indicate that the deep learning specialist job market will reach $18.16 billion by 2023. It refers to a job market with high job security and good wages.

In addition, Ziprecruiter, a recruitment agency, has conducted research in this field that shows that artificial intelligence engineers earn an average of $164,769,000 annually. Therefore, deep learning is a smart choice if you are looking for a high-level career in the IT industry with a lot of growth potential.

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