Complete Cobo Wallet Tutorial

Cobo wallet is one of the most popular platforms for keeping cryptocurrencies. Many benefits such as monetization, listing more than 500 cryptocurrencies, and easy user interface, have led many crypto users to choose Cobo Wallet to manage their assets. If you are not familiar with this practical and attractive wallet, stay with us until the end of this article.

The expansion of the crypto world and the evolution of wallets

Until a few years ago, only a few cryptocurrencies were developed in the crypto world, but suddenly we saw a very rapid growth in the number of digital currencies. Many cryptocurrencies have been developed, and users are willing to invest in multiple tokens. It is not unlikely that an investor has stored more than ten digital currencies in his wallet or exchange account.

This event has different positive and negative aspects. Perhaps at a glance, this phenomenon can be considered a positive event. As the number of cryptocurrencies increases, the blockchain ecosystem has expanded. Cobo Wallet

One of the bad aspects of increasing cryptocurrencies is the challenge of storing cryptocurrencies. Wallets cannot support all digital currencies. As a result, many users are forced to use multiple wallets simultaneously.

Everyone prefers to store digital assets and currencies in a wallet to make them easier to manage and exchange. Increasing security, saving time and money, reducing stress, and… are some of the benefits of using a wallet. As a result, finding a mobile wallet that supports all digital currencies can be difficult but extremely rewarding.

What is a Cobo Wallet?

A cryptographic wallet with easy storage and an attractive user interface is a good option for cryptographic activities. The idea of ​​designing a Cobo wallet was introduced in 2017. In March 2018, this volt’s design and development stages were completed and then made available to the public.

The Cobo Wallet currently supports more than 20 cryptocurrency chains (Tron, Ethereum, IAS, etc.) and lists 500 tokens for sale. Cobo Volt wallet has become very popular among cryptocurrency users and has become one of the most popular platforms for buying, selling, and storing cryptocurrencies.

Features of Cobo wallet

Experts in digital currencies do a lot of research on wallets and trading platforms. Comparing these software helps us choose the best option for buying and storing digital currency. The features listed for Cobo Wallet are as follows:


The most important parameter for checking and choosing a cryptocurrency wallet is security. Cobo Volt wallet has performed well in this area and protects users’ assets well. The Cobo Wallet Foundation has an experienced security team. The team has designed and implemented specific and sophisticated solutions to protect assets and prevent the intrusion of cybercriminals. According to the Cobo Foundation, the wallet is as secure as hardware or cold wallets.

Attractive user interface

The Cobo Wallet wallet user interface is designed to be attractive and user-friendly. Users will understand the processes and how to buy and sell digital currency immediately after installing the software. In addition, all assets and cryptocurrencies are easily traceable. In the Cobo wallet, it is also possible to personalize some sections.

An interesting feature of the Cobo Wallet is the change in the color of the ups and downs. Most people think of green as a sign of rising and red as a sign of falling prices. In China, however, the opposite is true. For this reason, the Cobo Wallet development team has made it possible for users to set the color of price indicators.

Cobo wallet also can connect to WeChat messengers. These messengers are very popular in China and are also used in other countries.

Easy to find and manage tokens

Another useful feature of the Cobo wallet is searching and finding various tokens easily. There is no confusion or difficulty finding tokens, and users can easily find various assets and view details.

After finding the desired digital currency with the help of a QR code, the transfer and receipt of assets can be finalized. An image of this code must be provided to the sender. As a result, there will be no need for hard and incomprehensible strings of code and characters.

In addition, the Cobo Wallet can scan QR codes. So you do not need to enter the code manually to send the passwords. The Cobo development team has also added the ability to save the address of previous transactions to the wallet for users’ convenience.

Fast and free transfer of digital currency

Sending digital currency with Cobo wallet is very easy and painless. There will also be free transfers between Kubo wallets. This way, there is no need to pay network fees. Sometimes the fees are very high and cause user dissatisfaction.

Multi-step verification of the transaction

One of the attractive features of the Cobo wallet is the multi-step verification of the transaction. A new step can be created to confirm the transaction with this feature. At this stage, the recipient must also confirm the transaction. This will prevent inadvertent mistakes and some abuses.

Supports a wide range of tokens

The last feature can be considered the most important advantage of the Cobo Wallet. The wallet currently supports a wide range of digital currencies. Users can buy and sell a variety of tokens and manage all their assets on the same platform. Cobo Development Team intends to continue listing cryptocurrencies and become one of the most comprehensive cryptocurrency platforms.

Earn money through Cobo wallet

With the help of Cobo wallet, digital currencies can be deposited or stuck. In this case, the user will receive intermittent profits by blocking the asset. Dash (DASH), Tron (TRX), Lightening Bitcoin, and ZCoin are cryptocurrencies that can be stuck in the Cobo Wallet.

Learn how to make and use a Cobo wallet

In the first step, you have to download the Cobo Volt software from the website of this collection ( ) or reputable supermarkets.

After downloading and running the program, you must select the data storage mode. This section has two options, HD Wallet and Cloud Wallet. The register and create a new wallet option are for creating a new wallet, and the login or restore aa wallet option can be used to recover the wallet.

In the next section, you must enter your phone number or email.

At this stage, the wallet password must be specified. Keep in mind that a wallet password is important for securing your assets. Choose a secure password and save it in writing.


As crypto grows, there will be a need for more advanced platforms to store or sell cryptocurrencies. This wallet is one of those programs that try to satisfy a wide range of users and provide the best services and services. With the help of this wallet, you can trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies, earn money from digital currency sticks, and save time and money. The ambitious start of the project has given many crypto experts hope for the future of This Wallet. Cobo looks set to take over a larger share of cryptocurrency capital in the coming years. Note that it is ultimately up to you to decide which wallet to keep your cryptographic assets. So it is better to do good research before doing anything.

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