Biggest websites made with Laravel !

Laravel is known as a wizard in the web world. Because this framework can easily create any kind of complex software in the shortest time. Laravel features have attracted the attention of many large companies and sites. It was also able to grow rapidly for reasons such as its open source nature and its popularity among developers. This framework was able to find its place among the best companies by reducing the volume of coding, increasing scalability, reducing the complexities related to software logic, and..

You may have read and heard a lot about the ubiquity and popularity of this framework, but you do not have a clear idea of ​​these definitions. So we decided to introduce some of the top Iranian and foreign websites designed by Laravel. If you want to know which of the major sites use this powerful framework, stay tuned for the rest of this article.

Laravel’s popularity among developers

Sites designed with Laravel Laravel portfolio

You may be wondering why Laravel has become one of the first web application design options for small and large companies? The chart below shows the popularity of the most widely used PHP framework. As you can see, Laravel is by far the most popular option compared to other PHP frameworks. Because the use of Laravel is free for everyone and does not require a special license. On the other hand, this framework easily communicates with other technologies and is very flexible.

In this section, we do not intend to discuss the benefits of Laravel. Because if we want to discuss the advantages and features of Laravel, we may not be able to fully describe them by writing several more articles. All of these features go hand in hand to make Laravel the first choice of many large corporations. Based on this, many leading Iranian and foreign companies implemented their sites using Laravel. Companies such as Snap and Alpek in Iran implemented their sites using Laravel. In the following, we will review the companies that use this framework.

Snapfood site

الوپیک سایت

Have you ever used services such as motor courier to send your packages? Alpek is one of the fastest and most reliable companies providing online services for motor couriers, pickup trucks, motor taxis and rides in Tehran. Alpek online services are provided in the form of Android, iOS and web applications. The most important part of the Olympic backend site is that it is the brain of the Olympic management system. All services provided by the company on the web are directly related to its site. Alo Peak is another large Iranian site that uses the Laravel framework to implement its site and processing core.

Chiliuri site – Laravel Framework

Chiliuri is another food ordering website in Iran that has been created to make ordering food faster and easier. This website offers services similar to Snap Food. This site has very powerful features designed by the Laravel framework. You can also easily see its features by visiting this website.

Gearing site – Laravel Framework

Kish First Payment Company, which is known as a Gearing brand. The company started with the aim of providing financial services and payments on the mobile platform. Gearing is the only provider of mobile wallet services in the country and currently offers financial services and mobile payment services to more than 30 million first mobile subscribers through wallet payment gateways, bank cards, and bank accounts.

The site and the backing system is powered by Laravel. Gearing of various services such as the possibility of depositing money, doing financial affairs such as paying bills, buying direct recharge of SIM cards, charging the Internet, performing charitable services, inquiring and paying fines and duties, buying from online stores, performing tourism services, insurance and finally withdrawing money Provides.

Deltanet Travel site – Laravel Framework

One of the best travel and travel sites is deltanet Travel, which has a lot of fans. This site is designed by the Laravel framework. This site helps a lot in managing tourist tours in Greece and it receives a lot of daily visits. By visiting this website, you can see some of the features of this site, which are implemented based on Laravel.

World Walking site

World Walking is a global site that can be used by people all over the world. Undoubtedly, everyone likes to have a proper walking program to help their fitness. With this website, you can improve your walking plans and have a regular walking program under your supervision and control. This very powerful site is also designed by the Laravel framework, which due to having many users can be a great example of a powerful site designed with Laravel.


In this article, some large Iranian and foreign companies that use the Laravel framework are introduced. As you can see, these sites are not limited to a specific domain. Because with the help of Laravel, different sites can be created. Sites to provide payment services, online sales services, news, store, and…. Each of these sites has its own complexities and challenges. Laravel will easily handle the construction of any type of site and reduce it at the time of construction with the highest level of security. What sites do you know that were created with Laravel?

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