Best SEO techniques !

One of the main concerns of novice SEOs in learning SEO is familiarity with various SEO methods. To be honest, if 50% of our skills are summarized in the field of SEO knowledge, the other 50% is defined as our mastery in implementing and implementing this knowledge. The tools to implement SEO knowledge are the methods we know as search engine optimization techniques.

SEO techniques

Based on the steps we take to optimize the site, SEO has different categories, but the three main methods are black hat SEO, white hat SEO, and gray hat SEO, which we are going to introduce in this article. If you are learning SEO skills, we suggest you follow this article to the end. Because we are going to get acquainted with various SEO methods and especially with hat techniques.

Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from SEO

As we said earlier in the article What is SEO, SEO or site optimization for search engines is a set of actions that are done to improve the performance of the site according to search engine standards and improve the user experience of the audience. This set of actions is the same as SEO methods.

SEO methods, both in terms of implementation techniques and in terms of implementation, have a specific division, which we will introduce in the following:

SEO methods in terms of implementation

If we want to categorize SEO methods in terms of basics and how they are implemented so that it is easy to plan our learning, they are defined in the following groups:

1. Internal SEO

Internal SEO includes a set of actions that are done within the site in order to improve the ranking of its pages in Google search results and other search engines. Keyword research, creating semantic core in the site and internal link building is the most important parts of internal SEO that help increase the site crawl rate, increase organic traffic and our brand awareness.

2. External SEO

External SEO is a set of techniques that is done off-site with the aim of optimizing it for search engines. And external link building, content marketing, using social branding, directory registration, forum and forum marketing, ad reporting, and backlinks are the most important parts of external SEO that in addition to improving the site ranking, also help attract new users.

3. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is another part of SEO activities that helps to optimize the website technically and technically. Also, technical SEO deals with the health of links, site security, speed increase, optimization of structure and code for bots, site template, breadcrumb links, site map, data structure, and its responsiveness.

4. Local SEO

Local SEO is a method that is done with the aim of optimizing our website for a specific geographical area or neighborhood. In Local SEO we choose words that are suitable for local sources and have the potential to receive more traffic. Paying attention to location registration in Google Map, publishing local content, registering in online directories and the like are some of the local SEO measures.

5. Content SEO

Content SEO refers to actions that prepare the content of our site for a better understanding of Google in terms of nature and concept, and on the other hand is useful and practical for the user and answers his question in the best way. Such as choosing the right titles, adhering to headings, observing keyword density, choosing the right keywords, content length, and the like.

6. SEO of images and videos

Images and videos are an important part of the content of our site pages. Optimizing images and videos and adhering to SEO standards in them is effective in gaining a better position in Google search results. Image and video SEO, in addition to affecting the speed of the site, also improves the quality of our content and make us appear in image search results.

7. Negative SEO

Negative SEO is one of the SEO methods that is done unlike other methods for malicious purposes and immoral elimination of the competitor. The techniques of this method are a bit similar to black SEO, except that they are used against competitors.


SEO methods in terms of implementation technique

Now that we are familiar with SEO methods in terms of implementation, it is time to introduce the next methods. If we want to introduce SEO methods at the professional level and in terms of execution techniques, it includes the following three categories:

  1. White hat SEO

The methods that are completely legal and in accordance with Google’s rules and regulations are called white hat SEO.

  1. Black Hat SEO

In a way that, contrary to white SEO, is against Google’s rules and regulations, and is done only to get a higher ranking and reach the first page, it is called Black Hat SEO.

  1. Gray hat SEO

Gray Hat SEO has tremendous effects on improving site ranking. This method is the same as all black SEO, but with a look similar to white hat SEO; So that it leaves no trace.

If we want to learn SEO techniques in a professional and professional way, we must be fully acquainted with these three methods in the first step; So stay with us. To introduce them in a little more detail.


White hat SEO; A guide to how to become a Google mogul

Given the rigorous structure and approach of Google algorithms, SEO experts and online business owners are expected to adopt legal methods; Ways to grow and improve our site ranking without the slightest risk. In fact, the first step in developing a successful SEO strategy should be to follow legal SEO techniques. These legal methods, which exactly follow the SEO principles defined by Google, are called White Hat SEO. Sites that use white hat SEO and act in good faith; They are considered as Google’s and are more likely to grow and develop. For more information, we suggest you read the article on white hat SEO .

White Hat SEO Techniques

  1. Cleverly choose keywords
  2. Internal and external legal linking
  3. Optimization of Rich Snippets
  4. Invest in quality content production
  5. Optimize site loading speed
  6. Optimize the size of site images and videos
  7. Page optimization for mobile and tablet or responsive site design
  8. Check for damaged or broken links
  9. Update old content
  10. Use short and readable page URLs

Black hat SEO; Entry is prohibited, we will be fined!

The next method is black hat SEO; Unlike white hat SEO, this method is completely contrary to Google’s rules and regulations and is used only to get a higher ranking of the site and to reach the first page of Google. This method seeks to deceive Google algorithms to speed up the ranking process. In fact, black hat SEO uses questionable tactics to increase our site ranking, but continued use of these methods may permanently remove the site from the serp results instead of improving it. For more information, we suggest you read the article on black hat SEO .

Black Hat SEO Techniques

  1. Over Optimization
  2. Keyword Stuffing
  3. Purchase invalid backlinks
  4. Click or bit or deceptive content
  5. Private Blog Network or PBN
  6. Publish duplicate content
  7. Negative SEO or intentional reduction of the ranking of competing sites
  8. Link exchange with other sites

Gray hat SEO; Underground SEO techniques

Gray SEO is a combination of white and black SEO methods, which acts like a short underground path. But why the underground route? In the explanation we have to say that if we want to work only on white hat SEO, we have to spend a lot of time to get to the first page of Google; Maybe years! If we want to get involved in black SEO methods, we will probably be penalized by Google after a short time and we will be eliminated from the competition.

The advantage of gray hat techniques is that we can help them achieve good rankings in a short time with low cost and low risk. Most of the sites we see on the first pages of Google have come to this conclusion with the help of gray hat techniques. For more information, we suggest you read the Gray Hat SEO article .

Gray Hat SEO Techniques

  1. Get valid backlinks from reputable sites
  2. Use ad reporting on sites with related content
  3. Put links in news sites’ emails
  4. Use the main keyword in the content titles


From what we have said in this article about site optimization methods for search engines, it became clear to us that based on what we do, SEO has many categories, but its three main methods are black hat, white hat and gray hat SEO, which is one SEO experts need to master them. Learning these methods is not difficult at all, as long as we are trained in principle from the beginning.

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