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Algorithms For Career Success Engineering Principles That Can Also Be Used To Succeed In Work Life

In This Part Of Computer Science, We Have Introduced The Important Topic Of Algorithms In The Computer World And We Will Try To Follow This Discussion In Future Issues.

Also from this issue, we try to follow the issue of employment, job search, and career success of computer experts continuously.

High school seniors, college students, and recent graduates are the main audience for this debate, but obviously, employment is a public concern, and even for those who have been in the labor market for years, it continues almost to old age and retirement.

Here, our most important goal is to share the experiences we have gained over the past twenty years from observing and participating in the IT industry and its labor market, and we also ask you to share your experiences and problems with this section and its readers.

Employment is the most important concern of students and others

A while ago, while surfing the web, I came across news related to the year 1994, which, according to various sources such as the Ministry of Labor and the Technical and Vocational Organization of the country, mentioned the unemployment rate of engineering graduates at an average of 20 percent. We cannot independently verify the accuracy of this statistic, but it nevertheless roughly reflects the state of the work crisis.

If you have read the online report of Shabakeh Monthly No. 197 on the statistics of the admission capacity of universities in the whole country in the field of the computer through the entrance exam (except Azad University), you know that in 1396, nearly 48,000 people entered the university in this field and if Unemployment continues to rise, with at least one-fifth of the population, or about 10,000, joining the unemployed each year.

If you are a student right now, it means that one of you and four of your classmates will be unemployed!

Employment algorithm and no more

It may seem strange and far-fetched to associate “computer algorithms” and “career success” in computer science, but some engineering principles can also be used to succeed in life. One of the principles of algorithm design is not only widely used in the design of computer systems, but can also be extended to ordinary life.

In computer science, there is a concept called abstraction. Simply put, an abstract object is a real object minus its details. In computer language, abstraction means the use of high-level commands in the process of designing a program (or algorithm) in such a way that the details of a mechanism are separated from the whole. In computer science, the concept of abstraction is widely used due to the high complexity of software and hardware.

Abstraction, for example, allows us to look at the “memory” unit of a computer as a whole without getting caught up in the details and intricacies of its internal mechanism.

So when programming or writing an algorithm, we can easily use phrases like “save 198 in variable x” without having to worry about where and how this value is stored.
Thus, looking at concepts from above to consider their totality is a very important problem-solving strategy in computer science, known as “top-down design” or Top-Down Design. 

Solving many confusing and complex problems in the computer world starts with the same top-down logic. 

But this problem-solving strategy is not limited to the world of computers. Basically, in any problem in life, a top-down view can be used to solve problems.
In the face of a problem called employment, one solution is to take a superficial look at this issue: look at where the job advertisement has been published and what his salary is, and immediately start sending resumes and job interviews.

But a big, bottom-up look is: “What do I want to be?” What are the occupations and professions in the computer world? What skills does each of these professions require?

How long does it take to learn some of these skills? Where do I want to go in five years or ten years? “What is the path of those who have reached there?”

I advise you to honestly ask yourself how big-minded and up-and-down your mindset is in life if you are applying to college and are still struggling to choose a computer major, or if you are about to enter the job market. ? Conversely, how eager are you to dive into the valley of action (what software is currently on the stock market?) And how obsessed are you with the details of entering a job? 

When you go to bed at night, do you think that the job you are going to do tomorrow for a job interview will also ensure you and what the rewards and overtime will be? Or do you think about the big picture and plan of your life? Successful in this field are often those who have a top-down view of their life and work while paying attention to daily details.


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