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Advantages and Disadvantages of C++programming language


Advantages and Disadvantages of C++programming

C++programming is a multi-purpose programming language used widely across the world. There is no doubt that even after being a very old language, it is one of the most efficient programming languages.

Now, we will help you know every aspect of this language before you decide to make it your go-to programming language. Let’s start with it!

Advantages of C++

  • Portability

  • Mid-level programming language

  • Object-Oriented

  • Multi-paradigm programming language

  • Memory Management

  • Fast and Powerful

  • Similar to other languages

  • Standard Library

  • Wide Range of Applications

  • Huge Community

  • Scalability

  • Big Job Market


C++ provides this feature of portability allowing us to develop codes without caring about the hardware. This lets us move the development of a program from one platform to another.

For example, you’re working on Windows OS and for some reason, you have to switch to LINUX, the codes from Windows OS will also run in the LINUX OS without any error.

Mid-level programming language

Being a mid-level programming language, we can treat it as both a low-level and high-level language. Features of high-level language help to develop games and desktop applications, whereas features of low-level language help make kernels and drivers.


The OOP concepts like polymorphism, encapsulation, inheritance, and abstraction give C++ the biggest advantage over other programming languages. It proved to be of great significance since this feature was not in C, this helped users to treat data as objects and classes.

Multi-paradigm programming language

Paradigm refers to the planning involved in programming. It concerns the logic, the style, and the way how we proceed with the program. C++ is a multi-paradigm programming language as it follows three paradigms:

a. Generic – Using a single idea that serves multiple purposes.
b. Imperative – Using steps that change the state of the program.
c. Object-Oriented – Using methods and classes for reusability and modularity.

Memory Management

C++ supports DMA (Dynamic Memory Allocation), which helps to free and allocate memory. Since there is no garbage collection, C++ gives the programmer total control over memory management.

Fast and Powerful

As C++ is a compiler-based programming language; we do not require to install a special runtime while running the program. Hence, they are pre-interpreted and it makes the code faster and more powerful.

Even the compilation and execution are faster allowing it to create several kinds of programs from games to drivers to complicated GUIs.

Similar to other languages

C++ syntax is similar to C#, C, and Java. It makes learning C++ easier if you already know one of them. It also makes switching to and from other languages easier.

This can be treated as an added benefit that C++ is compatible with C programs i.e. every running C program can be run as a C++ program. Most of the time we just need to run the program on a file .cpp extension.

Standard Library

C++ provides a good range of built-in libraries. They help in making the software development faster and allows the user to do more with less.

Wide Range of Applications

C++ is useful to make GUIs as well as games. C++ is also useful to develop graphics and real-time algebraic simulation. Hence, C++ is beneficial in every stream.

Huge Community

C++ has a vast community around it. Community size is very important if you want to get supported every now and then. The larger the community size, more the help you’ll get to solve your problems.

A huge number of paid/free online courses and lectures are available, which shows how community support works.


One of the greatest advantages of C++ is its scalability, i.e. its program can be scaled to another level. Hence, resource-intensive applications can be built using C++, as the programs can be low-scale and high-scale.

Big Job Market

As we know that C++ has benefits in various departments from finance to app developments, GUI to Games, C++ has a very big job market. Knowledge of C++ can help you secure a job at such departments where C++ comes in handy.

Disadvantages of C++

  • Pointers

  • No garbage collection

  • Unsafe

  • Complex

  • Less flexible

  • No custom operators

  • No built-in threads

  • Lack of algebraic data types

  • Functions are not first-class type


When it comes to pointers in C++, it is a very tough conception compared to other topics. Uninitialized pointers might result in system failure.

Memory corruption can also take place if one puts wrong values in the same. To sum up, debugging pointer bugs is very difficult and hence one of the major disadvantages of C++.

No garbage collection

C++ doesn’t support garbage collectors, this means that the entire power to manage the data memory goes in the hands of the user. Absence of the same results in redundant data being stored in turn increasing the memory.


C++ is unsafe in a strong sense. The presence of pointers, global variables, etc. is the main reason behind these security issues. It means it is possible to corrupt the entire program just by using a part of the memory as an incorrect type.


C++ is a Multi-Paradigm language, i.e. object-oriented programming with runtime polymorphism, templates, and static polymorphism, some support for functional programming. C++ is not useful for platform-dependent apps and hence is complex in a very huge high-level program.

Less flexible

C++ is very strict regarding the syntax, a little mishap gives a series of errors. It generally takes more time to excel in C++ than any other programming language. It is not easy to write a C++ code in a readable way, making the language less user-friendly and less flexible for the user.

No custom operators

In many programming languages like Java, we can define operators for specific operations. But, in C++ it is not quite possible. We can redefine existing operators using operator overloading, but nothing more.

No built-in threads

There’s no support for built-in threads in C++. Even though it is a relatively newer concept it was later added to the newest standard of C++. But it is still far-fetched compared to programming languages like Java.

Lack of algebraic data types

Algebraic data types like tuples and structs are not supported in C++. Because of this, we need to use libraries or our own executions if we need to use it.

Functions are not first-class type

First-class type functions are those where:

a. Values can be passed and return, without restrictions.
b. Functions can be created and constructed anywhere, without any restrictions.
c. The function can be typed in such a way that an entity can be assigned to it.

While points a and c hold true for functions in C++, point b fails.


In this article, we Explained various advantages and disadvantages of using C++. Hopefully, we helped you to gain a clear perspective of the advantages and disadvantages which will help you decide whether C++ would be your go-to language or not.

Regardless of the pros and cons, it would be great if you carry on with C++ as it is one of the most widely used languages.

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