A photo of a gorilla family’s emotional moment has won the sixth edition of the Africa in Focus competition

The 6th Africa In Focus Photography Competition Produced An Exceptional Level Of Photography And Made It Very Difficult For The Judges To Choose The Winning Entries.

Gorilla family’s emotional moment, the voting has ended. The overall winner of the sixth edition of Africa in Focus photography contest, as well as the winners of each of the four categories of African wildlife, African landscapes, African wildlife conservation, African people/cultures, and communities, as well as the people’s choice contestant, have been announced.

A photo of a newborn gorilla touched by its big brother has won the top prize at Wilderness Safaris Africa in Focus 2022.

The overall winner of Photographer of the Year

Africa in Focus competition in 2022

The birth of a mountain gorilla is essential for the family group and the entire population of this species. This photo shows the group members welcoming their new member, born in Bwindi Forest in Uganda. This seven-day-old toddler’s older brother, cradled on his mother’s chest, is lovingly touched.

African landscape

Many of Africa’s wild and untouched landscapes are stunning, but when the sun goes down, you experience a different, less-seen kind of beauty: darkness. The lack of light pollution caused by human development opens a window to the Milky Way, and beyond that, many people in more populated areas will never be able to see. The Quiver Tree Forest in Namibia is a place where the unique features of the earth and the magic of the stars come together.

People/Cultures and Societies of Africa

We visited, photographed, and experienced the cultures of the Abore tribe in the Omo Valley in Ethiopia.

popular choice

It was mesmerizing to see the art of this mother and her child. They slept under the blanket and woke up peacefully when they heard my steps. I knew then that I had to lie on the ground to record this moment.

African Wildlife

Predators show some reluctance when killing young prey, But finally, hunger overcomes their feelings, and they show this nature in its most naked state. In this scene, the lion seems to be asking his little prey, “What is your last wish?”

Young photographer of the year

African wildlife conservation

The Temmink pangolin’s natural defense against any threat in the wild is to curl up into a ball to protect its soft underbelly, exposing only its rock-hard scales.

Unfortunately, this defense mechanism makes pangolins very easy to poach, making them one of the most trafficked animals on the planet.

This pangolin was caught somewhere in South Africa. It then passed through the black market for three weeks until it arrived on a Hong Kong-bound flight at Johannesburg airport.

His long claws, used to catch ants for food, had been amputated in captivity, and he arrived at the wildlife vet’s office severely malnourished and on the brink of survival.

Dubbed “lucky” to survive in these conditions, the pangolin was sedated daily and fed through a tube. Luckily when he wakes up, he clings to the vet’s arm for warmth, symbolizing the fragile hold this species still has on life and how their fate rests in the hands of us humans. Unfortunately, he died a few days after this photo was taken.


We hope you enjoyed watching this episode of Shutter. For more information about the event, visit the pageant website. What do you think about these pictures? Which picture did you like the most?

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