A Complete Guide To Learn Blockchain Programming

In this article, we are trying to teach blockchain programming comprehensively and completely. You have heard the name blockchain due to various news, and you know in what fields it is used. In general, blockchain is a technology that has received a lot of attention in the last few years. When we hear blockchain, we think of Bitcoin and digital currencies. You should know that digital currencies are only part of blockchain technology. Blockchain should be used in various areas where a decentralized network is needed.

In the coming years, this technology can be very much noticed by others. Surely it would be best if you also learned blockchain to have a successful future. Or you are interested in using this technology in different fields. For this, follow this article. In this article, we get to know this technology completely and learn which fields it can use in. So if you are interested in this topic, stay with us in this article.

Why is it important to learn blockchain programming?

The use of this technology dates back almost ten years ago. At that time, no one paid attention to this technology, but this technology has received a lot of attention in the past year due to extensive marketing and advertising. You know that many digital currencies have been launched in the market. If you have visited coinmarketcap, you have come across many digital currencies. Many people work in this field. Due to the success of blockchain technology in digital currencies, this technology has been used in many fields. Every programmer in 2022 should have at least a short study of this technology.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed database placed among a network’s nodes. As a database, blockchain stores information digitally. Blockchain does not exist in terms of hardware and can be seen among the zeros and ones of different computers.

The main reason blockchain is known for digital currencies such as Bitcoin and various transactions in digital currencies. This technology helps to store data in a decentralized and secure manner. TheBlockchainnovation ensures the fidelity and security of the data record and creates trust without the need for a third party.

The main difference between a normal database and a blockchain is the structure of the database. In the blockchain, data is stored in the form of blocks. Each block stores a set of information. Blocks often have a certain storage capacity that will be closed when they are full. Each filled block is connected to its previous block. These connections form a chain of data, which is called a blockchain. All new information that follows the newly added block will be compiled into a newly formed block, which will also be added to

the chain once it is filled.

The structure of a database is in the form of a table. That is, it structures the data in the form of a table. At the same time, blockchain puts data together in a series of blocks and connects them. This data structure inherently creates an irreversible timeline of data when implemented in a decentralized nature. Once a block is filled, it is set in stone and becomes part of this timeline. Each block in the chain is given an exact timestamp when it is added.

Important points regarding blockchain

How does blockchain work?

If you have followed a suitable blockchain programming course, you have heard about it. The main purpose of blockchain production is to record and generate information but not to edit it in any way. As such, blockchain is the foundation of immutable ledgers or records of transactions that cannot be altered, deleted, or destroyed. This is why blockchains are also called distributed ledgers or DLTs.

First proposed as a research project in 1991, the blockchain concept was used before its first widespread use in 2009. Bitcoin was first introduced to the market in 2009. In the years since the use of blockchain has expanded through the creation of various digital currencies and decentralized finance (Defi) applications. As an example, we can mention NFTs.

Why is blockchain considered decentralized?

Imagine that a company owns a server farm with 10,000 computers used to maintain a database that holds all of its customer account information. This company has created a large warehouse where all the computers are located. This issue is considered a very big weakness for this company. All information will be lost if there is a power outage or a warehouse fire. It is even possible that the Internet of the warehouse is interrupted and the required information can no longer be accessed. In learning blockchain programming, it is definitely necessary to talk about the decentralization of this network.

Also, the possibility of human error in such cases increases to a great extent and may cause many problems. In all these cases, the company suffers heavy losses and may lose all its data completely. A blockchain makes all the nodes of a network responsible for maintaining network information. This not only creates redundancy but also greatly reduces the possibility of data loss.

Also, if someone wants to change a record, it will not be possible, and human errors are avoided to a great extent. If a user were to tamper with a record of Bitcoin transactions, all nodes would be referenced to each other, and the tampered record would be well known. Such a system helps a lot to create a precise and transparent order. In this way, no node in the network can change the information stored in it.

Is blockchain secure?

In answer to this question, it should be said that security is a relative issue and cannot be considered 100%. Blockchain achieves data security through various methods. For example, new blocks are always stored linearly. Once a block is added to the end of the blockchain, it is very difficult to change the block’s contents unless the majority of the network has reached a consensus to do so. In such a case, it can be said that relative security has been provided.

In blockchain programming education, it is always said that blockchain is very secure and unhackable. But in reality this is not the case, and a blockchain is attacked through various methods. It is true that if the blocks are changed, the hashes are also changed and cannot be traced, but it cannot be said that these hashes are completely 100% secure. Also, it cannot be said that all blockchain architectures are safe and may have many weaknesses.

Learning blockchain programming using the Solidity language

In this article, we introduced blockchain and how to code it. For blockchain coding a programming language called Solidity can be used for blockchain programming. Learning this programming language can help you a lot in your coding. If you are interested in learning this programming language, join us in learning blockchain programming. In the following, we will discuss this language in general.

What is Solidity?

Solidity is a high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Smart contracts control the behavior of accounts in Ethereum. Solidity is a language designed and developed for the EVM virtual machine. This high-level language is modeled after C++, Python, and JavaScript, and has similarities to them.

Coding in this programming language is static and supports concepts such as inheritance, classes, etc. Using the Solidity language, you can create multiple smart contracts and use them in different situations. The most common type of these contracts is the use of multi-signature wallets.

You must use the latest released version of Solidity when deploying contracts. Except in exceptional cases, only the latest version receives security fixes. In addition, definitive changes, as well as new features, are introduced regularly. In this article, we use version 0. y.z for coding.

Start coding in Solidity.

First, familiarize yourself with the concept of smart contracts.
Read a little about Solidity and get to know it.
Install Solidity Compiler. (You can also use its web version)
Refer to the reference of this language or prepare an educational video in this field.

Coding in Solidity

Coding in Solidity is very simple. It is enough to have a little mastery of coding in C or C++ language to start coding in Solidity. For example, the way to define variables in Solidity is as follows.


As you can see, coding in this programming language is very similar to the C programming language and is very easy to use. Defining arrays is also very simple in Solidity language, and you can easily define an array.

As mentioned, the Solidity programming language is a very sweet combination of JavaScript, Python, and C. These languages are widely used. If you have gone to programming, you are familiar with them.

You can refer to its reference website to learn about this programming language. The general structure in this language is completely like C language, and if you have studied C language, you can easily understand them by looking at these codes.



In this article, we tried to give you a general overview of blockchain programming. Blockchain programming is usually recommended to people who want a bright future in programming. If you plan to succeed in the programming field, prepare a blockchain programming course for yourself. Using educational videos can help you to a great extent in this field. There are many films in this field that are worth using.









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