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5 Best Paid Android Apps in 2022

Every time I come across the topic of affiliate programs, I’m reminded of posts asking questions like, “Which apps pay better?” or “Which application can I use to make more profit?” It has been mentioned that various people have suggested some of their favorite programs under these posts. I always thought that, eventually, someone would find a complete list of these applications and make them available to the public.

One day, I said to myself: Why don’t I do it myself? So I got down to business and started extensive research in Play Store. Along with this research, I also asked some of my friends until I could make my desired list, and now Iwillo share it with you. . This list is sorted alphabetically. Apps that have in-app payments (IAP) are also included in my list. Of course, there are some games among these names!!

If you know of any such applications, you can suggest them so that I can add them to my list. In addition, some of the applications in this list are provided for free, and it is up to the user to buy or not to buy them. In my opinion, go to them first. And if you want to buy one of these applications, it is better to wait until their auction.

The best Google Play paid apps from 2020 to 2022 (opinion of users and experts)

Applications made by “Yitro.”


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