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16 techniques to satisfy the customer to pay money

techniques to satisfy the customer

One of the biggest questions that arise in all business models and startup ideas is why our customer has to pay for our product or service and, in general, our startup snake nut that is a The customer is willing to spend money for it. In this post from Ded9, we introduce you to 16 In this post from Ded9, we introduce you to 16 techniques to satisfy the customer to pay money. Stay tuned. These stimuli can be a good start to creating, correcting, or completing a business idea.

Technique 1. Like a boss: People like to look professional.

Try to create services or situations that help users create a professional position that fits the image they want to make with others. There are always people who are willing to pay to raise the perception of others of their presence and position.

  • Windows Vista: Many people are willing to pay and buy a more expensive (business) version of the operating system because they do not want to be the boss, sales manager, or any other important person who uses the cheaper (basic) performance in their meeting presentations.

Technique 2. Belonging to a group: People like to be members of a group or a collective movement.

Human beings are social beings, so provide opportunities for people to find common ground with others and build a group, community, or social movement based on it, to communicate and pursue common goals.

Technique 3. Mystery and excitement: The experience of excitement and the discovery of new phenomena always has its customer.

Expose users to new, unexpected and exciting experiences. Rest assured that users will become your customer to repeat the background of this excitement and mystery.

Technique 4. Reduce costs: People become your customers to reduce their costs.

Provide a solution so that your customers can save some of their costs. They are willing to pay you not to pay more for other things.

Technique 5. Internet Miracles: People like to explore the physical world with the Internet.

With the expansion of the Internet infrastructure, some of the processes in the physical world can be bypassed with creative solutions and done online. People will be the customers of these new solutions, cheaper and faster.

Technique 6. These are my things: People hate to lose what they have.

It is not always gain that is attractive to people. Sometimes having assets is the motivation that turns people into your customers. So focus on people’s online help.

Technique 7. Keeping secrets: Get money from people to keep their information private.

The ability to protect privacy is one of the main concerns of people. So why don’t we make money this way? Some sites charge customers for free services to protect their privacy or offer services that help people not disclose their privacy in their online activities.

Technique 8. Powerful, better, and faster: Make things easier for people.

Get paid by people for doing it faster, better. They are always willing to pay you to make their work easier and more painless.

Technique 9. Just like me: allow people to personalize.

People pay to receive their services and products. Then use IT facilities to provide them with mass personalization.

Technique 10. Serve me: People always pay for convenience

Help people do their jobs more easily. Try to serve your masters (people) like servants and have no purpose other than facilitating their affairs.

Technique 11. Time is running out: push users hard enough in time

Put people in decision-making situations in limited time. Show them that an opportunity (even unnecessary for them) can only be used for a few more hours. This feeling of stress encourages many people to buy from you.

Technique 12. Boasting: Some people like to show off and brag

The number of these customers may not be large, but their payment volume is large enough that the revenue model of many businesses is focused on them. It is the main reason for the business model of many luxury brands.

Technique 13. Show me accurate information: People like to gain deeper insights into information

Many people get frustrated by the sheer volume of information they have. They feel that all this information is of no use to them. Provide a service that can facilitate their information management and possibly extract and provide more valuable information.

Technique 14. Stay in touch with me: Make it possible for people to connect and communicate

Well, this model is very popular. Make sure people find the person they want. This!

Technique 15: Fear of losing: People want to be up to date

Reassure people that they will be the first to be notified as soon as an event occurs. Having a large amount of information available and not finding sensitive data is a suitable need that, in some areas, can generate a revenue stream for your business.

Technique 16. Help: People always need help

Many people want special help. Needs that no service provider comprehensively and centrally meets. Find these people and provide services to help them design and deliver professionally.

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