How To Check The Laptop Battery Status In Windows 10?

Most users think that Windows 10 does not have battery monitoring capability; But by following simple steps, you can find out the battery status of your laptop. One of the features of Windows that you…

Languages and technologies needed to develop mobile applications

When the mobile phone boomed, few people imagined that one day, the priority of buying a phone would change from a good antenna and clear sound to features and performance and, most importantly, the quality…

How To Update Drivers In Windows 10

Windows automatically downloads and installs the latest drivers, but you can not expect to download the latest version of the driver if you set your internet settings to meterd or disable automatic updates for Windows. …

Microsoft Unveils New Windows 10 System Icons

Microsoft has announced that new icons will be used in the latest preview version of Windows 10; That sounds simple, but it’s part of Redmond’s broader effort to redesign Windows 10. Microsoft is in the process…

A Very Fast Laser System Was Built To Generate Random Numbers

Random numbers are one of the most important issues in the field of security and cryptography. The speed at which these random numbers are generated is of particular importance that scientists have now succeeded in building…

What is content management system or CMS?

If you have made the decision to enter the world of the internet and launch the site, you have definitely heard of the content management system or CMS. If you are looking for a content…

What Is Google Play Service, What Is It Used For And Can It Be Removed?

If you’ve worked with an Android phone for a while, then you’ve probably become familiar with a category called Google Play Services.  Now what exactly is this Google Play service and what does it do…

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Android Operating System?

Android can be considered the most popular mobile operating system worldwide. The operating system has evolved a lot since its initial release in 2008, and we can now see it on many flagship phones.  Android Operating…

How To Fix The Problem Of Not Installing Software In Windows 10?

Are you also having trouble not installing software on your Windows 10? Usually not meant to be installed when the software installer is not running, or when it is running but an error is displayed on…

The Effect Of Mining On Graphic Performance – Comparison Of RTX 2080 Ti Before And After Mining

In this article, we are going to discover the answers to these questions with a video comparing the RTX 2080 Ti before and after mining. What is the impact of mining on graphic performance, and…