Bitter Farewell To The Pet In The Picture Frame

There Are Moments In Life That Are So Devastating. Moments That Can Break Our Hearts And Change Our Lives Forever. 

These moments can include the death of a family member, a breakup, a severe injury, the loss of a job, and the loss of a beloved pet.

Losing a pet can be one of life’s most painful and upsetting moments. Documentary photographer Ross Taylor says, “When someone tells me they’re dealing with the death of a pet, it breaks my heart.” Death is something we often don’t like to talk about. Many people find the topic of death disturbing, sad, and uncomfortable.

Death is a fate that happens to all of us. Also, as we like to have our beloved pets with us forever, death is a fate that unfortunately happens to them too. Pet parents often worry about how they will get through the day. Some may also be afraid to think about that day; even the thought of their pet’s death is harrowing.

Fortunately, advances in veterinary science mean we can keep our companion pets with us longer than ever. But this also means that many more pets will grow old, and their owners may outlive them in death. Those pet owners who are left with a chronic or terminal illness are also forced to face the sad reality of their owners’ absence.

Preparing for the sad day when we lose our pets may help us cope better when they do. This also applies to preparing for the death of a loved one.

In a study conducted on the relationship between preparation and coping with the death of a loved one, it was found that those people who had prepared for the end of their family and loved ones had a better ability to manage their emotions after their death. Additionally, people who felt unprepared for their loved one’s death had more negative mental health outcomes than those who felt prepared. Showed.

Since it has been found that the amount of grief that comes with losing a pet is very similar to the suffering we experience when we lose a loved one, preparing pet owners for their pet’s death is an essential aspect of end-of-life care. It is in veterinary medicine.

But what does it mean to be ready? Being prepared means many things. There are many emotional, spiritual, and practical ways to prepare. Being prepared doesn’t mean you stop trying, stop caring for your pet, and don’t love your companion anymore. This means that you feel ready to face the death of that animal, however sad and painful it may be.

Painful moments when pet owners have to say goodbye to their beloved animals with a heart full of pain. Last Moments is a powerful photo series captured by Pulitzer Prize nominee Ross Taylor. Ross Taylor was invited to a project to catch the last intimate moments of beloved pets’ lives and their owners.

Taylor is a freelance visual journalist and assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder’s College of Media, Communication, and Information. He became interested in this project when one of his good friends decided to euthanize his dog. She spent many days agonizing over the decision to euthanize her dog. “Her fight and love deeply moved me for her dog,” Taylor told The Washington Post. According to Taylor, the moments when humans say goodbye to their pets are rarely captured and documented.

He recorded this series of photos between 2017 and 2018.

In this photo, Volusia Likovy screams in agony after her dog Sam dies. Likovi’s husband, Vitaly, tries to comfort her. Moments earlier, Volusia looked at Dom McDanny, the vet, and asked, “Is he gone?” “He’s got wings now,” McWetty shook his head. Sam died of cancer.

Ross Taylor filmed the euthanasia in collaboration with pet owners in the Tampa Bay area of ​​Florida and veterinarians at Lap of Love, a pet euthanasia veterinary service. Animal euthanasia is to save an animal from pain and suffering after careful medical examinations. The reasons for euthanasia include incurable disease (especially if it is accompanied by chronic and severe pain and suffering), lack of facilities to continue the animal’s life, and conducting medical tests. There are always ways to perform this operation that will cause minor animal pain and mental stress.

Animal euthanasia is different from animal killing and pest control. However, the methods used in killing animals and controlling pests are the same methods that are common in animal euthanasia.

Euthanasia for a beloved pet is a very personal decision and usually occurs after a diagnosis of a terminal illness and with the knowledge that the animal will suffer. However, the difference here is that the purpose of animal euthanasia is to the pity and grace of the animal’s owner to save him from suffering. Giving up a pet is one of the pet owners’ most challenging decisions.

When you lose a dog, cat, or other pet, it’s natural to feel sad. The pain of losing a pet can often evoke many feelings of sadness and all kinds of painful and difficult emotions. Many of us share a strong love and bond with our animals. A pet is not just a dog or cat; Rather, he is a beloved member of our family and brings us companionship, entertainment, and happiness. A pet can fit into the structure of your daily life, keep you active and social, and help you overcome life’s problems and challenges. He can even be the meaning and purpose of your life. Therefore, when a pet dies, it is natural to experience intense feelings of grief following the loss of your pet.

“He has always been with me,” says the owner of this pet. My dog ​​Coco was always by my side, even when my wife was sent on a mission. In this picture, we also see his wife, who was present at the animal’s bed in the last moments. During the procedure, Dr. McVitie reassured the woman with his hugs and soothing words that this treatment would be better than any other treatment we could give this dog. Coco was also dying of cancer.

Cancers are among dogs’ most complex joint diseases, usually malignant and fatal. Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs over ten years old, and about fifty percent of dogs over ten get cancer. However, animal researchers have not yet proven the exact relationship between aging and cancer development. Regarding the symptoms of dog cancer, one reason is that the immune system weakens with age, and it becomes easier for cells to mutate into precancerous cells.

Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

Pet owner Lee Zahn fights back the tears as her dog Spencer lies on her lap for the last time. In this picture, only a few moments have passed since Spencer’s death. Li Zhan left the room shortly after; Because it was too much for him to bear the room’s space. Her husband Bob said about this: “Leaving Spencer was even harder for Lee Zhan than the death of her parents.” “My wife loved this dog very much.”

Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

Wendy Lehr met Dr. Erica Owens with tears in her eyes. When they settled in the living room, thunder had raged outside, and the rain was hitting the roof hard. The family’s dog, Mimosa, did not move, and her owner, Wendy Lehr, noticed this immobility. “My dog ​​is scared,” he said. After a while, Erica Owens, a veterinarian, asked the family if they were ready. They openly began to cry and said, “We don’t know if we’ll ever be ready to do this. But for the sake of this animal, which has been our friend, we guess that the time has come.” It was one of the most challenging things I witnessed and photographed as a photographer of this series, and I immediately started crying afterward. I felt unfortunate for this family.

Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

In this photo, Vanessa Gangadiyal consoles her eight-year-old son, Ian, While her husband, Michael Gangadiyal, is stroking their dying dog, Ali.

Grief is a very personal experience. While some people may not understand the depth of your feelings for your pet, you should never feel guilty or ashamed of grieving for a pet. We all react differently to the loss of a pet, and the level of grief you experience often depends on factors such as your age and personality, the age of your pet, and the circumstances of their death. The more important your pet is to you, the more intense sadness you will experience. Finally, the sense of despair following the loss of a pet is placed in a stage where people experience various emotions such as denial, anger, guilt, depression, acceptance, and problem-solving. Others know that their grief is cyclical and has ups and downs.


The dog looks sadly at Erica Owens, a veterinarian in this picture. Erica is also comforting this sad and depressed family with deep compassion. Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

“I tried to do more; I tried to do everything I could for this animal,” said Chiara Manrique, the dog’s owner, as she cried over the loss of her pet. However, the doctors said that we could do nothing for him.” On his left are his sister, Kimberly, and veterinarian Neil Wilkins, who offer their condolences on this loss.

Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

In this photo, dog owner Marquita Liebe bends slightly to be close to her dog Daisy minutes before her pet died. Shortly after recording this photo, he left the room in mourning.

Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

“I always felt safe with him,” said Juliet Rubio as she lay next to her 12-year-old dog, Dingo. “I hate this,” he repeatedly said before Dingo died. And I hate to see him go. He comforted me a lot.” When the animal was dying, she cried profusely and told him, “I love you. I love you very much, and soon, you will be re-released.

Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

Moments after the dog’s death, Bob Zahn touched his dog Spencer for the last time. His wife, Lee, immediately left the room; Because it was too hard for him to bear the room’s space. Sometimes the grief of losing a dog is heavier than the grief of losing a family; Because family members can tell you that something has happened to them and that they are in pain so that you can help them and seek their treatment, But dogs can’t. He sighed and said, “There are troubling days ahead; Because we loved this dog very much.

Ross Taylor says in the description of this photo:

“It’s hard to say goodbye,” Keri Peterson said after placing a sunflower on her dog Asia’s grave. However, the smell of the earth and fresh flowers and plants calm me down. Because I think that Asia has calmed down in this land.

We must allow our grieving process to go smoothly. It cannot be forced or rushed, and there is no set plan for grief. Some people feel better within weeks or months. For others, the grieving process is measured over the years. However long your grief lasts, it’s essential to be kind to yourself and let the process unfold naturally. Feeling sad, shocked, or lonely is a natural reaction to losing a beloved pet. This means you are grieving the loss of an animal you loved, so you shouldn’t be ashamed. Showing these feelings doesn’t mean you’re weak. Trying to ignore the pain will make the pain worse and deeper in the long run.

In this photo collection, much of Taylor’s work explores the intersection of intimacy and the effects of trauma. His work in a trauma hospital in Afghanistan was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 2011. “The basic idea of ​​my work was that I wanted people who have gone through traumatic experiences to know that they are not alone,” says Taylor about the experience of recording this photo series. She also says, “All pet owners go through periods of loss and grieving, and it takes time to understand and come to terms with this experience.”

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