Big Ideas Need Financial Resources

Suppose You Have A Pure Idea To Start Your Own Business. Have You Planned To Implement And Operationalize Your Plan? 

Undoubtedly, in the first step, you need a site, a good team, and a place where you can work. But to organize the mentioned things, you need initial capital.

Its A capital that can cover your initial expenses. Regardless of the size, the importance of the business idea, and knowing the customers’ needs, as an entrepreneur, you must first be able to provide the necessary financial resources for your startup.

Most entrepreneurs ask how and from what path they should collect the initial capital for their startup.

Looking at the history of successful startups, you will see that most of them started their work with a self-starting method (Bootstrapping). The self-starting approach means creating a business with the minimum possible capital. The above term implies that an entrepreneur must first gather the financial resources in his different bank accounts in a single place to create the minimum initial capital.

The first solution: focusing on personal financial resources

The second solution: receiving initial capital from friends and family

The third solution: look for support funds (government, private) and investors.

Various funds are willing to provide you with the necessary capital with a small loan. Fund for supporting researchers and technologists of the country at is one of these cases. In the external dimension, sites such as Kickstarter or IndieGoGo are good infrastructures for collecting initial capital for business development. The sites engaged in this field make it possible to provide financial services based on their unique strategies.

Third solution: Look for local investors

Its Centers provide good services in the field of business development. Fortunately, with the support and coordination, we are witnessing the emergence of numerous technology parks and growth centers in the country. The above centers either directly serve you and provide you with initial capital with low fees, or they now place your business in the investment network so that you can obtain initial capital.

Do not forget that the chambers of commerce in different cities of the country are another solution that will provide you with helpful information and offer exciting solutions for attracting capital.

The fourth solution: look for a loan.

The fifth solution: look for venture capitalists.

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