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Clever Pictures Of Animals Made With Edible Ingredients

Clever Pictures Of Animals Made With Edible Ingredients

In This Part Of Shutter, We Review A Gallery Of Images That Have Created Beautiful Images Of Animals By Creatively Using Vegetables And Edible Ingredients.

In the art of photography, there is no need to find a new subject to create beautiful images; Rather, you need a creative mind to make an interesting issue by using various objects and accessories; For example, we can mention the forward gallery, whose photographer has created images that remind the viewer of animals using vegetables, food, and fruits.

Helga Stenzel is the Russian photographer behind the creation of the Animal Gallery images. Using her imagination and edible ingredients that we see and even ignore daily, Helga has captured images that will blow the mind of every viewer.

In one of the pictures, it can be seen that Helga made a picture similar to a snowman using a piece of carrot and pasta; A snowman that tastes like spaghetti or, in another image, sees a dog’s head, which is a piece of banana with a bit of coloring integrated into it.

On Helga’s website, it is explained that she first created such works for personal entertainment. Still, with the encouragement of her friends and fans on social networks, Helga decided to produce accessories, including shopping bags and decorative accessories, and sell them on her official website.

Helga is active on social networks, including Instagram, and shares her latest works with her fans. Below you can see a gallery of images created by Helga, which are made of edible ingredients.

Animal pictures using vegetables and edibles

Animal pictures using vegetables and edibles

Animal pictures using vegetables and edibles

Animal pictures using vegetables and edibles

Animal pictures using vegetables and edibles