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10 secrets of being seen in Instagram Explorer

Instagram Explorer

As you know, entering Instagram Explorer and being seen in an Instagram search is an unattainable dream, but it is difficult that all Instagram activists are looking to fulfill it!

But the question is, how can this sweet wish come true? Suppose you also want to get acquainted with the secrets and tricks of entering Instagram Explorer and the nature of increasing natural followers. In that case, all you have to do is follow this article carefully to the end!

What is Instagram Explorer?

First of all, we need to tell people who are not completely familiar with this part of Instagram that the Instagram Explorer tab is where you see posts from all over Instagram. These posts are displayed based on different Instagram algorithms and identify your interests.

Instagram algorithms are constantly changing, and these changes have always been to reduce the display rate of posts.

According to the latest changes in Instagram algorithms, the amount of views of your posts is directly related to the attractiveness and the reaction of the first people who see your post. So you can only display your post for the remaining 90% if the initial 10% interact well with your post. (90% and 10% both refer to your followers.)

Now let’s look at how Instagram algorithms work in the Explorer tab:

If you pay attention to the bottom of the posts that exist in Instagram Explorer, there is one of the following five short sentences at the bottom of each post:

So Instagram shows you posts in Explorer based on these five factors. It means that if you have followed some of your favorite football players, Instagram will find out that you are interested in football, and from then on, you will also see football-related posts in your Explorer.

Instagram is constantly changing the look of Explorer. According to the latest changes, a new store section, a story section, and an IGTV section have come to Explorer.

Now that you are more familiar with the Explorer section and Instagram algorithms, it is time to introduce the secrets and passwords of Instagram Explorer. Stay tuned to Ded9.

Instagram Explorer incentives

Instagram is trying to personalize the Explorer section for each person individually. If you are careful, your Explorer account is very different from your friend’s account due to the five factors we discussed a while ago.

Recently, Techcrunch has revealed some of the stimuli that can bring your post to the Explorer section!

Stimulus # 1: Posts that people like and people that follow them

The strongest stimulus that makes Instagram show your post in a person’s Explorer is the likes and people that the person has followed. So if your business is in the field of cosmetics, you should not expect to see a 24-year-old boy who loves rock music in Explorer!

Stimulus # 2: Video Content

Still, more great photos than videos have a chance to enter Instagram Explorer. But it would help if you did not forget that videos can attract a lot of attention due to their automatic play in Explorer. So if your video can enter the Instagram search, there is a possibility of climbing to the top of the results.

Stimulus # 3: Spectacular Stories

As you know, recently in Explorer stories have a chance to be seen. Stories that are movies or use animation elements have a very high chance of entering Explorer. Conversely, stories with long text and fewer graphic elements will lower the chance of entering the Instagram search.

Stimulus No. 4: Send a copied post

If your goal is to enter Instagram Explorer, you should be a little careful about copying posts that are in Explorer! According to TechCrunch, duplicate posts are less likely to enter Explorer and rank higher. But at the same time, you can still use the strategy of copying interesting posts.

Secrets of entering Instagram Explorer

If you have read the article well so far, you can say that you are now ready to get acquainted with the secrets of entering the Instagram Explorer tab! So, without any introduction or words, we will introduce nine secrets of entering the Instagram search section:

Secret #1: Take a closer look at the Instagram Insights section

As you know, Instagram business pages have a section called Insights below their posts, which provides complete statistics on the number of viewing of your post, the number of motivations or interactions, and the number of people who follow you by viewing your post.

The good news is that a new feature has recently been added to the Insights section. With the help of this you can monitor the visibility of your post in the Explorer section, thereby providing excellent information about the attractiveness of the posts and the features needed to create Get more interaction! With the help of this section, you can guess the attractiveness of each of your posts and, according to the features of that post, find out the reason for its success and visibility in Explorer.

To view this section, first, click on View Insights below the relevant post and drag the opened statistics page up to show you the statistics of the Discovery section. Now in this section, there is a very important metric called From Explore, which is the same number of times your post is in Explorer:

So you can find out interesting things by observing these statistics in your posts and using them more in your posts in the future. Get started now and after updating your Instagram to the latest version, check this metric for all your posts, and you can easily collect some interesting points.

Secret #2: Find the best time to post.

Knowing the best time to send a post is very important for entering the Instagram search for two reasons. To enter Explorer, your followers must first interact well with it in the first few minutes of posting, which is when most of your followers are online when posting. So you need to know at what intervals most of your followers are online.

The second reason is that if you know these time intervals well, you can also have the highest number of absorptions through Explorer because these people have similar interests and possibly similar habits. So if you get the best time to post, not only will your followers see more posts, but you’ll also get the most engagement after entering Explorer.

To see the most traffic during the day, you must first click on the 3-line icon below. After opening the side menu, click on Insights to display the statistics section. Then, by going to the Audience tab, you can get useful information about your followers and their activity time.

Secret #3: Produce and publish compelling stories.

With the advent of stories in Instagram Explorer, the importance of designing and producing compelling stories has become much greater than ever. According to TechCrunch, stories with more content are more likely to be seen in Explorer.

Now suppose you have displayed one of your stories linked to a landing page on your website in Explorer. Not only will this increase your natural followers, but it can also increase the conversion rate of your landing page that links. Put it inside the story to increase it strangely!

Secret #4: Turn your photos and images into movies!

Since videos are automatically on Instagram Surge and on a large scale, they have a much better chance of increasing rank and attention than static and still photos.

How can we turn images into videos on Instagram?

method 1 – display text on the image

If you are careful, many people display an attractive sentence related to the image on the photo as a movie, which is more common in Iran but can be a good way to convert a photo to a movie.

Method 2 – Convert multiple still images to Gifs

Another way to convert a photo to a video is to put images in a row and produce a gif, which is a very popular method and, in most cases, has good results. You can use Photoshop to do this. If you do not have enough time and expertise, you can easily use the Life Lapse program.

Method 3 – Use StoryZ

Turn your images into animated images in the best possible way using the popular StoryZ app. You must have seen images where sea waves, clouds, or a waterfall are moving. The rest of the image elements remain the same. These images are made and designed with the help of this application, which is also very easy to work with.

Method 4 – Add animation and animated elements to the image

Suppose you can’t use the previous methods or your image was so artistic and attractive that you could not implement them. In that theme, I suggest you use moving elements and animations.

You can easily upload your image in the story section and use Instagram stickers and animated elements on the image. Finally, you can easily save the produced video in your gallery and use it in your posts. In the video below, you can see the use of the glow element in the photo, which not only turned it into a movie but also added to its charm:

Method 5 – Put the image on a movie

Another way is to put your still image on a movie in the background. In addition to turning a still image into a movie, make it more attractive.

You can do this with the help of Over, PicMonkey, Mojo, and Inshot applications.

Method 6 – Using Boomerang

If you want to take a photo and post it in the same way on Instagram, there is another way called Boomerang in front of you to publish the same image in the form of a very short video. This feature is available on Instagram itself and in the camera settings of many phones that you can use.

According to a study on this subject, boomerangs are 63% more than still images in Instagram Explorer!

Secret #5: Publish short, engaging videos.

As you know, Instagram is full of interesting and funny videos and posts that we encounter in various sections, including Explorer or them. So if you are a business owner and want to promote your products well on Instagram, you will have a very difficult task entering Explorer.

If you want to show your products in Explorer, instead of producing various photos, look for short and attractive videos to introduce your product. For example, watch the following video published by one of the cosmetics brands:

This video has been viewed nearly 750,000 times, a great advantage compared to other posts on this page. What do you think is the reason for this number of visits? 1. Short video and 2. Its attractiveness

The brand could have published a still image of this eye with its shadow makeup to introduce this product. However, instead, it has published this adorable video, which is better than a still image representing its product. In addition, because it is a video, it has a much better chance of entering Explorer.

So try to introduce your products with attractive and entertaining videos to have a better chance of being seen in Instagram search.

Secret #6: Add sales tags to your products to appear in the Explorer store section!

As you know, in the latest version of Instagram, a section introducing store products has been added to the Explorer tab.

Instagram has considered this section to display and introduce products that the user has shown interest in. Of course, all these products have sales tags, and products that do not have this tag can not enter this section.

So if you want to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, you must first shop your page and add a sales tag or tag to all your products.

Secret #7: Tag the brands related to your products in your posts and posts!

When you tag brands and pages related to your work and product in a story or post, you inform Instagram algorithms to connect your post and story and the tagged brand or page.

When you post a picture of a Nike shoe and tag the official Nike shoe page on it, you show this connection to Instagram algorithms. (Mentioning will have the same effect)

This technique is more than a secret that can easily multiply your chances of entering Explorer. Of course, be sure to note that tagging a large number of unrelated pages can easily reverse you! So do not underestimate Instagram algorithms in any way.

Secret #8: Take the time to produce IGTV movies.

The number of IGTV movies shown has increased several times since an IGTV-specific section came to the Explorer tab. As you know, IGTV can broadcast long videos, and this is an exceptional opportunity to attract more followers this way.

In addition, you can only talk about the topic for 60 seconds in regular videos. While you can produce a video tutorial in the IGTV section, thereby attracting more followers.

Secret #9: Be sure to use hashtags.

According to research conducted on Instagram posts, posts with at least one hashtag are 12.6% more likely than posts without hashtags. So take their proper use seriously.

In addition, when you use hashtags, you increase the likelihood that people interested in these hashtags will be in Explorer. The more your post is seen, the more it will interact. When the interaction increases, Instagram algorithms will increase your ranking.

Using hashtags in Instagram stories will also have a similar effect. You can increase your chances of entering the Explorer stories section. So there is no reason not to use hashtags.

Of course, as an important point, you should consider the appropriate strategy for using hashtags. If you use a lot of irrelevant hashtags, you will be blocked by Instagram. When this happens, your posts will no longer be in hashtags. So instead of using popular and unrelated hashtags, use the appropriate number of hashtags related to your image or video (between 5 and 7).

Secret #10: Do not forget the supernatural power of the image of the writings!

Attractive image posts are one of the most popular types of compelling content on Instagram that can be seen in large numbers in the Explorer tab. The success of this type of content is different from other posts. Users usually click on these images while browsing Explorer and read the sentences on the images. It is enough that you have spent enough time choosing the photo and the sentence. It is enough for the person to open the image and follow your page!

Research has shown that images in videos are much more effective than static images of this content and have a better chance of being seen in Instagram Explorer.

The advantage of image and text over other content is their great variety. You can use this type of content for any page and title of your business. Select an attractive image related to the sentence and write the desired sentence with a suitable font size. (It can be seen from inside Explorer). If you are creative enough in creating the image of the posts, you will quickly see an increase in your followers.

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